UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

How I Store // Lush Collection

I've held off posting the very requested 'Lush Collection' for quite some time. If I'd posted my 'collection' even a few months ago you'd all be carting me off to the nearest rehab. It was never a collection I intended on creating, it was purely down to my passion for the company, products and ethics along with my shopping addiction and gifted every occasion possible. Over the past few months I've made myself cut  down on shopping fact I haven't shopped there since the Easter and Mother's Day collection launched, even then most of it wasn't for myself. The aim to cut down was so I could end up displaying my Lush bath bombs, melts and bubble bars on something pretty. Lush bath products do keep well, though bombs usually become speckled - I still have some Christmas'12 and Valentines'12 goodies that look fine and fizz as fresh do thanks to keeping them out of the steamy bathroom.
a picture of lush storage and lush collection
a picture of bath bombs and bubble bars
a picture of cinders bath bomb  lush
My birthday feels so long ago, July 15th where my neighbour popped in as she does every birthday to drop off my various gifts. As you will all know I love to bake, all my presents were themed around this...where instead of displaying cupcakes I shall be joining the cake stand crew for Lush storage. A cake stand has been something I've debated from the beginning of my Lush stash but you can never find the right one...or at least worth the price tag. We were all surprised to see that my new pretty is actually from Wilko's.
a picture of think pink bath bomb
a picture of the comforter bubble bar
The two tier heart cake stand fitted together in no time, I adore how it's a heart shape rather than the usual circular cream wire stands you see. It slots right in next to the few books I have lined up to be read and holds every single bath bomb, bubble bar and melt I own..minus wands of course. The gaps aren't too wide so if you don't have a passion for Lush like I do, you could easily store nail polishes there too. It's no longer available online but in store you'll see them, every town has at least one store. How do you store your Lush? 


  1. Wow i cant believe that is from wilkinsons its so pretty! Been looking for a cake stand forever :) nice post! Xx

  2. This is a cute little cake stand, I love that you've used it to store your Lush goodies, it looks great. x

  3. I was looking at things like this on ebay for my new house, looks so cute and really handy for storing different things! Your room must smell amazing with all those Lush bits!x

  4. I bet your room smells divine!

  5. Love it, such a gorgeous way to display your Lush products!

    Kim |

  6. What a cute way to store them! I bet your room smells amazing.

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  7. Oh my goodness I bet your room smells like a lush store! how amazing!

    Jamie-Lee | Glitter Infatuation | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

  8. What a fab way of storing them, your room must surely smell incredible :)

    x x x

  9. That cake stand is so so pretty! I need to track it down. I'm very jealous of all your goodies, I love Lush! x

  10. That's such a cool way to store your Lush stash! Your room must smell amazing! x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  11. Love how you store all of your Lush collection - I bet your room smells SO nice!!
    Love the books you have too xxx


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