UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Meet Harry // Lucyy Writes

Not so long ago I wrote a blog post introducing my little Syrian hamster Chester, in that post I mentioned how from a young age I've wanted my own little West Highland Terrier named Harry. Sadly living at home I've always been told that I'll have to wait until I have my own place but over the last weeks everything changed!? I caught my Mum searching for Westie's on the Internet only to find that in our area they're almost impossible to find at the moment, we also checked rescue centres for any up for adoption, with none to be found.  Despite three of us (me, mum and Dan - brother) all wanting a little doggy friend we all knew it would be IMPOSSIBLE to talk round my Dad....he had plenty of excuses, looked at me incredibly weird when at every opportunity I'd switch to Westie's...thanks to the neighbours owning one it wasn't always too obvious to my game. Then at the weekend when he'd come in from seeing his friends I started off the last hinting match, including a picture of my little friend with a lot of talking he offered to go with me to see them (Monday.) With him driving and me giving directions via Apple Maps we got there and guess what we're getting a HARRY!!! We pick him up on the 5th (today depending if this post goes up on time).
As soon as my Dad set eyes on Harry he couldn't say no, he even Aww'ed before me, half joking to take his brother too. Though his brother is the smallest he'll be snapped up in no time. At first I had his little brother but after switching to Harry I felt a 'connection' with the little guy and I'm pretty sure he did too. Am I mad!? After checking out his gorgeous Mum and Dad we left to go shopping for basics. Shopping for Harry has been a lot more confusing than I originally thought, he can't have all the cute items just yet because he'll tear them up!? Though I hope he just carries on licking my clothes rather than running off with shoes. He's a taste for Topshop Leigh's, could we be any more suited ;) Dan's still in shock we're getting one, my Dad's constantly teasing me that Harry's 'alright I suppose' he LOVES him and Dan's just called to tell me he's trying to get Monday off to come along to pick little Harry up, god we're going to have a house of four boys!? 
I know a lot of people have strong opinions that people should only adopt animals however like I mentioned we did check and personally as our first dog we'd want to bring him up from leaving his Mum. He's a pedigree, his Mum and Dad are gorgeous and so well behaved. Driving up the track and parking his Dad came up the fence to welcome us, his Dad's a big chap that's for sure. I can't wait to see my little Harry grow up. If any of you have Westie's yourselves and have any 'tips' it'd be great if you could comment below. I'm debating including Harry's Adventures on Lucyy Writes, some of you have said you'd like to see into my life a bit more too, he's obviously going to be a huge chunk of it now. What do we all think? Lucy xx


  1. OH MY GOD. He's so cute. We used to have a westie called Molly. She was adorable but died unfortunately when she was 11 years old. She had a kidney infection and it was just incurable, she used to hate the postwoman and bit her ankles on a number of occasions haha!


    1. He's grown so much in a week, vets again this week and I'm sure he'll be hitting 3KG!? Aw that's so sad :( Harry doesn't even care for the postman but he does live in the kitchen and dining room compared to the front of the house :P x

  2. He is gorgeous :) I would love a dog but my mum would never agree to one :( Just will have to wait till I get a place of my own xx

    1. Aw :( you never know, keep dropping those hints ;) x

  3. He is so gorgeous!!!! :) I'd love a dog (a pug!!) but the other half doesnt like dogs! :( Xxx

    1. He sends lots of hugs!! :P Work on him, I think all men 'hate' dogs.

  4. I'm not usually a fan of dogs, I'm a cat person myself, but Harry is such a cutie I actually want to give him a cwtch!
    Well done on convincing your dad :) x

    1. Haha, I think he's regretting it now with the nibbles, Hazza just loves my Dad ;)

  5. My friend recently got a dog, and he fills her blog! and it's so lovely to see the posts. I'd definitely recommend you include more Harry posts!
    Look forward to it :)

    Char, xo

    1. Aw! I won't be doing it too much, weekly instalments? :P Good job he loves the camera.

  6. yes i would love to see more posts of him, he is beautiful,
    I am so excited for you,
    Getting a dog is possibly one of the most exciting things ever and harry is absolutely gorgeous.
    Take lots of photos because they grow up faaar to fast.

    x x x x

  7. Oh my goodness he's so cute! He doesn't look real! X

  8. Ah your dad sounds like my grandad, doesnt want to admit it but he loves all of our pets! Harry is so cute, i'd love for you to continue posting about him :P

  9. He's gorgeous! I have a westie called Bouncer, cos all he does is leap about! :D my tip would be to be really careful what you feed him because westies have really delicate stomaches (Bouncer eats one bit of cake crumb and hes sick all night. Also they itch and scratch alot, they need gentle shampoos and regular cuts :) hope this helps and heres a post about mine:

  10. Oh my he is beautiful, I adore little dogs and Westies are so cute and good natured :)

  11. He's adorable!!

  12. Harry is very beautiful Lucy! I have had my dog Darcy for almost 6 months now and oh gosh they are hard work but worth every minute! Good luck ;)


    Em’s Mixed Bag

  13. aw so cute, would love to see more about him

  14. Awwwww! He's adorable! Would love to see Harry Adventure posts :) x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  15. Awww how adorable, I remember when we were talking about getting another puppy, my dad majorly dragged his feet, but as soon as he set eyes upon our Cockapoo Daisy he was smitten and still is. :-)

  16. He's absolutely gorgeous!!! M xx


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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