UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Adventures with Harry // #2

Since last weeks Harry post went down so well I'll be carrying on the posts for now at least, it's a nice way for me to look back at how much he's changing each and every week. We're now going into our third week of having him at home and the forth since we met him....It feels like a life time. He's well and truly settled into his new home, creating so much puppy mayhem for all of us, you think you've done all the puppy proofing....Then he finds the most awkward spot to get into. As I write this I've my Dad in the garden fixing the door leading into the garage because someones chewed a large amount off...
We're still not walking Harry on his lead yet, since he's only just had his second inoculation last Wednesday. At the moment he's loving the car journeys and visits to the vets. We arrive and the receptionists really do go crazy over my little man, everyone sat down is awing at him...minus the cats but Harry couldn't care less about cats at the moment. A week this Wednesday and we'll be hitting the vets again for a Kennel Cough vaccination...up his poor little nose. His inoculations require to have it separately, we're lucky our vet managed to order one in other wise we'd have to drive 40 minutes each way to go to the breeders vets.
It's been really annoying when walking, you see these busy body old ladies talking about you, before they're giving smart arse comments of how he should be on the floor walking...he's quite clearly a young puppy. Despite this we've met amazing dog owners, especially Westie owners. At one point we had five West Highland Terriers on one side of our gate and Harry on the other. He's now met the young West a few houses up, whom seemed to get a little too excited over meeting Harry!! They'll be lovers soon I'm sure. He's still not so fond of Jack Russell's but Billy our friends JR comes to see him at the gate every day. If a fellow Westie walks by without stopping Harry will grumble to himself, he even knows when Billy will be trotting by to sit and wait...just like he'll do when someone's home waiting for the rest of us to come home. He's certainly found his voice this week whether it be barking at the washing machine, bin bag or door mat...or just snoring in his sleep.
Training him doesn't seem *too* hard right now, Harry seems to be acing the toilet training until the rain comes and he loses his territory. Discipline wise he's coming down from being 'top dog' of his litter and food wise he's loving the most expensive's worth every penny to see his fur condition improve even more. Buying a puppy Kong has been the best toy purchase along with his free Kong dumbbell from the Vets. We'll be picking up more Kong 'investments' to see us and our furniture through the next year.
This past weekend went so smoothly puppy wise, until we had a 'surprise' visit from one side of the family to 'see the puppy'. I'm still sure it was a case of a cup of tea while Lucy babysits. Poor Harry even had his foot stamped on thanks to my Uncle...making me even less of a fan of him than usual. Harry and ourselves were starving when they left, since they'd already had their day and dinner out. P.S it's okay, they don't know of my blog ;) The recyclers have given him the name Rottweiler since he sits at the gate...barks before his one inch legs shake while they carry our boxes back up for us.
Lastly on top of not having any flowers left in the garden because someone enjoys to regularly run and belly flop the pots, with one for sleeping...he managed to climb onto the foot high wall to then sit under the garden hedge/bush while torrential rain came down. We all got soaked trying to get the white puppy in for his dinner. The Topshop jeans are still a are slipper boots, shoe laces, polka dot socks and kitchen roll....There's only been one running off with a pair of pants. We'll be back with more excessive rambles next week, after he's had more vaccines! The next two weeks couldn't come any sooner, this little West needs his walks and these posts will get a whole lot more interesting. Lucy & Harry x


  1. Aww what a cutie! Westies are one of my favourite breed. Harry sounds like an absolute joy, I can't own a dog yet, as I'm in between uni and my parents house and not what you would call financially fortunate (stupid student debt) but I can't wait to be in a position where I can buy a little pup of my own!

  2. He really is the cutest dog ever! x

  3. Awwww, he's so so cuteee :)

    Serenity of Beauty

  4. I just want to reach through the screen and cuddle him! Westies really are the cutest little things. I was never really particularly fussed about dogs until we got our Westie, Agnes, and ever since then I've been totally in love with her!

    Lucy x The New Northerner

  5. He looks so cute in the flower pots. Love hearing his adventures x

  6. Can he not keep being so damn cute? Like seriously, him in the plant pot I almost burst with joy hes so adorable :) xxx


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