UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

The Christmas Tag 2015 // Lucyy Writes

an image of the christmas tag 2015
What is your favourite Christmas movie?
Home Alone without a doubt, though Christmas with The Kranks & Elf follow closely behind.

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
As much as I try to, we always wait until Christmas Day morning to open our presents. We always start with stockings upstairs before coming down to wake the doggies up and heading into the living room. Though the last two Christmases with Harry (my little Westie) we always let him have a present before bed on Christmas Eve - we usually pick him out a new blanket to snuggle with.

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I wouldn't say I have a 'favourite' Christmas memory, all our Christmases seem magical, especially when we were younger. One year our parents surprised us with new stockings, incredibly large red and white trim numbers. I really thought Santa was in the room at the end of my bed and took forever to finally peep from under the covers to see that it was in fact a delightful new stocking.

Favourite festive food?
Pigs in Blankets are everyones favourite right? We also do Feta Cheese wrapped in streaky bacon. SO SO SO delicious and one I urge you to add to your Christmas dinners. They're even better cold on Boxing Day - I always make sure to make extra.

Favourite Christmas gift?
Without a doubt it would have to be my White Macbook. I was just coming up to leaving school, either year 10 or 11. We'd opened all our presents when my Dad appeared with a Macbook for each of us. It served me well, I've only just had it replaced this summer for my 21st.

Favourite Christmas scent?
My favourite Christmas fragrance this year would be Snowflake Cookie by Yankee Candle. I seem to have left the spicy scents behind unless it's Lush.

Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Christmas Eve can vary in our household but we still find the time to settle down with a film after wrapping last minute gifts, organising the presents, sometimes our neighbour pops in to exchange gifts instead of on Christmas Day morning - it would always be a rush and result in my being in my PJ's still. I'll also be found frantically preparing things for Christmas Day dinner - usually making up the Pigs in Blankets, Feta wrapped in Bacon, Stuffing & veggies. My mum always preps the turkey before bed, leaving it to switch on in the early hours. And depending if my Dad's working or not we'll sometimes lay on Christmas Eve nibbles.

What tops your tree?
Since having Harry and Mollie we don't have a true tree topper, we'd always have a star to match the colour theme. The 6ft tree now sits on a table so the dogs can't reach it so easily. We attach one of the smaller star decorations to the top of the tree.

As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I've always asked for normal gifts - minus a macbook which despite my Dad telling me I'd never get one...I did get one that Christmas. There's always a 'bigger' gift but nothing so extravagant.

What's the best part about Christmas for you?
I love the build up. I love decorating the house and getting presents for everyone. I love always having Christmas music playing & a Christmas film on when at home. Everyone who visits always comments of how Christmassy our house looks & smells - there's always a Yankee Candle or Air freshener in a Christmas scent. I actually feel a little sad on Christmas Eve, knowing the build up is soon to be over. The best part of Christmas Day? Waking up to an oversized stocking full of presents, the smell of the turkey starting to cook & heading on downstairs to exchange gifts.


  1. Lovely post!

    I have a new post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  2. I love reading through this tag - I also love pigs in blankets so much, definitely the best Christmas food!

    Lucy |

    1. They really are! You can't beat making your own too. <3

  3. Love this tag/post!! The build up to Christmas always seems to be better than the actual day, I feel! x

    Christina Marie -


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