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How I'm Counting Down To Christmas // Lucyy Writes

Happy December! Firstly I can't believe we're in December - it feels like only yesterday that we were in summer. Suddenly we're decorating, spending too much money and overcome by festive foods. To start off December - my favourite time of year, if you haven't already caught on over the years I thought I'd share how I'm counting down to Christmas Day. This year I've gone a little Advent crazy by making use of some fabulous deals and using the excuse of having my first ever surgery for rewards. Oh Lucy...So here we go, here's how I'm counting down featuring beauty, lifestyle and of course the all important chocolate.
an image of my advent calendars for Christmas 2017
Ciate Mini Mani Month - £50 - NOW £39 HERE
This year beauty advent calendars kept catching my eye, but I always get put off by the prices. They're either very, expensive and full of filler products OR they're very cheap and not exactly something I'd want to open at the age of 23. However as an O2 customer I noticed that Ciate - a firm favourite of mine when it comes to nail polish and a beauty advent I eye up each year, had teamed together to other Priority App users 50% off this years Mini Mani Month. Having just been to my last check up after having minor day surgery - the check up really didn't go to plan either, I decided to treat myself to the Advent - especially at 50% off and my Mum urging me on to treat myself at last. I love the theme of the Calendar this year, not to mention how each item is individually boxed instead of a door, with 19 Mini Nail Paint Pots - 5 of which are NEW and EXCLUSIVE, 1 Full Size Paint Pot, 1 Mini Treatment, 1 Long-Wear Top Coat, 1 Magical Nail Topper and a Special Limited Edition Surprise. This morning I received Midnight in Paris - what a polish to start the month off. I featured this on my insta-stories and shared a full post on my Instagram feed. The deep blue polish, features blue and silver glitter flecks and is truly beautiful.  I'm not one to open all the doors before the month, with it being my first so alas this is why I didn't put a full review up. BUT I'm tempted to do roundup posts or at least keep sharing over on Instagram each day.
an image of Ciate Mini Mani Month 2017
an image of Ciate Mini Mani Month 2017
an image of Ciate Mini Mani Month 2017
an image of Ciate Mini Mani Month 2017
Yankee Candle Advent - Boots - £24.99 - WAS down to £12.49 - Sold out online
For the last two years I've had one chocolate advent and a Yankee Advent Calendar, last year we purchased an older one as we weren't struck on the scents. This year I wasn't sure what Yankee to go for - what scents were for me, whether to wait it out for the price to drop OR purchase an older one. However with a Ciate Advent I decided I didn't need a Yankee this year and that I'd make do with buying single candles, then Boots put their Yankee Exclusive Advent to £12.49, half price. I couldn't resist with my town actually having some in stock still. I can't wait to sit down in the evenings, with my little tea-lights going. Today the month was kicked off with Berry Trifle, one of my festive favourites. I'm looking forward to the rest of the month - especially as you get a surprise votive on Christmas Eve...which happens to be in a rather fitting scent to the day...
an image of Yankee Candle Advent Calendar Boots 2017
an image of Christmas Chocolate Shapes from Aldi and Lidl
an image of Lindor and Lindt Advent Calendar Chocolate Filler Ideas
Wooden Nutcracker - Aldi - £8 - Sold Out
I've always eyed up wooden advents, I can remember seeing them in Home Senses as a teen. Back then they weren't quite to the decor standards as they are today. Most seemed to be red, green or suitable for a child. Whilst browsing Aldi's deals online, I noticed they were getting in Wooden Advents in three designs, all retailing at £8 each. Absolutely crazy if you see how much others retail for. On an early morning, off I went with my Dad to see if we could locate the white wooden house. Whilst they didn't have the white wooden house, they did have the grey nutcracker and a gingerbread house - which is pretty damn cute. Both came home with us, costing less for the pair than one elsewhere. I've got the Nutcracker in my bedroom, filled with foil chocolate shapes and coins - all of which are Gluten and Wheat free and absolutely delicious. There's something about Christmas chocolate isn't there? I had some of the foil bears in my stocking last year and preferred them over all of my other gifted chocolates. My Mums actually got the gingerbread house, which I filled with Lindor Truffles and foil chocolate shapes - not to mention home-made quotes and jokes to brighten her December mornings. We haven't left my Dad out either - he's got a Hessian Next Advent which we picked up in the sale last Christmas. Inside his (which actually includes Christmas Day) I've placed Lindor and Lindt chocolates and festive jokes. It's been great having a Lindt shop so close to home - we've discovered a lot of special flavours you can't buy in regular shops.
an image of Aldi Wooden Nutcracker Advent Calendar 2017
an image of Aldi Bracelet Advent Calendar 2017
Bracelet Advent Calendar - Aldi -£9 - Sold Out
Something different for both myself and my Mum this year were Bracelet Advents. Already in Aldi I noticed they had an advent calendar available in silver and gold, which allows you to build a festive charm bracelet throughout the month. Now we do love a bit of novelty - my Dad always buys us something festive jewellery wise as an early Xmas Gift. We already had our gift however he grabbed one of each colour for us to try out. We'll see how it goes - I think it'll be fun to see the charms gradually build up and it's something to keep year after year, so long as it doesn't break.
an image of Cadbury Dairy Milk and Milky Bar Advent Calendars 2017
Cadbury Advent Calendar - Large - £4 (£3 Asda) & Milky bar Advent Calendar - £1-£2
Despite having my fair share of advents already, you can't countdown to Christmas without a little chocolate each morning. I'm quite particular when it comes to my chocolate advents - whilst I should aim for a calendar that is not only Gluten Free but Dairy Free I can't seem to find one that fulfils my preferences. I like my chocolate to be Christmas shaped, even at 23. I also like there to be something on the door of the calendar AND behind the chocolate. There's something not right about a white space staring back at you. Out of the three Cadbury Advents available in the UK this year, I went with the one I enjoyed last year - the larger, landscape calendar which features the vanilla filled chocolate shapes and solid dairy milk shapes. Sadly, Cadbury only print behind the chocolate in this one though the truffle centres and larger shapes make up for this. A little dairy chocolate a day is manageable - and obviously the most important thing is that it's free from gluten & wheat. We also have a Milky Bar Calendar this year - I don't normally have this many but I really craved Milky Bar and there were £1 Advent Offers at the time.

How are you counting down to Christmas 2017? Do you still buy Advents? Do you have family buy them for you? What is your ultimate Advent Calendar? Mine really would be the Giant Hotel Chocolat Advent they created this year....maybe next year I'll purchase it for the entire household to share. Lucy xx
Disclaimer: All own purchases or gifted by family - this post contains ZERO PR SAMPLES and no affiliate links.


  1. I don't have an advent calendar this year but I'm doing the Coeliac UK one online everyday! Jenni x

    1. Thanks for commenting Jenni - I'll have to check out the Coeliac Online Advent - I think I saw someone Instagram it earlier. xx


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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