UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

New Years Nails // with Rebel Nails

Hey lovelies, this will most likely be my last post of the year!? How fast has the year flown by, especially the last 5, almost 6, months I've been blogging. You know how much of a fan I am of nail wraps, I ordered some nail wraps from Rebel Nails back along, then ordered again, which was a much bigger order for Christmas. After that, Rebel Nails asked if I'd like to try some of the new designs that aren't quite out yet! So preview for you all here. They're bloody gorgeous! How well they picked the design for me, this is a purple and silver glitter lace design. Again these will sell at the normal price, so check out the site for these soon and more designs. As soon as I saw these in my post, I knew these were my New Years nails!

This is what I love about Rebel Nails, the high quality and beautiful designs, that nobody does! I'd love to design my own wraps one day, since I'm such a nail junkie, these would be something similar I'd see myself designing. I'm a massive glitter and lace girl. I'm not doing anything other than a family night in for New Year and a few drinks, these match my outfit too perfectly! I'm not a fan of New Years at all, over rated.

I don't know if it's the wraps or the fact I've now used RN's three times and used to them, but seriously, they heated so much better, most glided onto my nail without any bumps and filed off so quick! I may becoming a pro at these!? The size of the wraps seem better than the snowflakes, I thought my Christmas nail wraps were cut a bit small compared to the previous set. Below I shall link all my nail wrap posts featuring Rebel Nails. 

These get a 10/10 for me! Seriously the best set I've tried so far. I look forward to using all my sets I have. What are your New Years nails?

 For a full review, I'll link you to my first post, I don't feel the need to review them every time! Just the designs. They'll last you a good 7-10 days believe me! Top coat over for more shine. 
The photo's don't show how pretty these lovelies are, bad winter lighting. 

Only a few bumps & sorry for dry skin! Horrid Winter.
I hope you all have a fantastic night out or in, with your family and have a very Happy New Year. Thankyou to the 464 of you that are following through GFC!? It's crazy and to the 34 on bloglovin! To think nearly 500 people read my little blog, it's amazing to have so many to share all my love for new products too.


Weekly Haul // Boxing Day Sales Part 2

So, yesterday I braved the freezing cold and went into town again to check out the sales. I went back to Boots to see if the sets I'd put back were there, nope, they'd gone. So in the end I didn't get any more in there, I'd just be buying and cluttering. So next I hit Newlook, I am a walking advertisement, everyone was picking up my winter coat and trying on and looking at me, not good, now every where I go I see at least one person wearing it, makes me sad. I like to be different, but then shopping in Newlook won't make me different, though usually, I never see anyone with my clothes etc on. Though everyone says the coat looks better on me, how lovely.. ;).

Newlook time, seriously how much do I buy in Newlook these days, everyone moans about Newlook never having anything, are you crazy!? Mines amazing. Though sometimes a little over priced, why someone would pay £30 for Newlook boots in the sale is beyond me, it's Newlook and they looked like they'd fall apart too. However, while looking at the shoes I remembered the 915 range goes up to a size 6. I'm a size 3 usually. Now I suggest you check it out, shoes are always the same or similar and for half the price. 

These are the boots I've been waiting to find all winter! I didn't want any heeled boots, I still walk a lot, so conscious of putting weight on, so I walk most places. These boots have a tiny heel, but not an actual high heel, thin heel, waiting to snap. They fit around my legs a bit better, there's still a fair gap, but that's chicken legs for you. They have the right amount of buckles on and finally a pair of black boots! They only had size 1 or 2, I'd tried Bear Paw boots on in a size 2 Christmas shopping and they fitted, so I gave these a try. PERFECT! Grabbed them. And oh did I tell you how much...£10!? Yes £10, compared to £30, that the same adults range ones were selling, so check your local stores and online, they go up to a 6! They're better quality than the 'adults' boots and softer lining. I finally got a bargain.

Next up, they had new designs in on their mix and match and with La Senza being rubbish and Ann Summers is just cheap looking and over priced I just grabbed 3 pairs of these, even though I'd purchased some before Christmas and had 9 pairs for Christmas from La Senza and a few Newlook. The first pair, coral lace and leopard print, I picked the button version up, just for cuteness, don't normally like cute underwear too much. But the lace balances it out. Next up, a red thong, it's gorgeous! The lace has little hearts in. They've won compliments before (I'm sure that will come across as not what I meant :P ) and finally the same in cream, I picked a pair up before and I love this shade! 3 for £7. Cheap.

Then I popped into WHSmiths, which I have posted about today, showing my makeup collection. It's the drawer sets they sell, but in a new pattern. It's gorgeous. Not perfect. But it looks pretty and holds all my makeup. I love it and this was half price - £12.99 instead of £25.99. It's really strong too and the ribbon handles are cute!

Lastly, Superdrug had epilators on sale or reduced, everywhere does. Last one in store. £27.99 pretty damn cheap and it's also a shaver, but I'd rather wax, cream and epilate. Though this thing is loud. Christ. Doesn't hurt though, warnings of how much it kills, well it's nothing. Waxing hurts, this doesn't. I've looked at this range before because of the pattern, it's sparkly and has a purple swirly pattern. Perfect for me. I may even review it! So far I'm impressed! 

What have you managed to pick up in the sales?

Makeup Storage // My new addition.

Hey lovelies, so I'm jumping onto the band wagon, I always love reading these posts. Though my collection is hardly big and for all those who lust over MAC well, I must be the only blogger not to own it, I don't see the big hype. I'll be saving my Debenhams gift cards for underwear and the new Naked 2 palette, next month. My collection is small but it's what I use and need. I'm not an out there, bright coloured, eye shadow wearer, I keep it neutral and I don't know where all my lip products have gone!? I've purchased most of this myself, a few gifted and bits and bobs I won back along. I must be the only blogger to buy what I need and be ruthless every couple of months.

So here's the newest way I store my makeup, I had it in two postcard print storage boxes before, annoying as hell when you used it every day, forever lifting lids and boxes, got annoying and messy. So I've always come across bloggers using the sets of drawers WHSmiths sell, though the patterns are never me or suit my room. Yesterday I popped in and thought I'd look. They had a couple designs, only two would suit my room. There was the box I have or a Laura Ashley, but the drawers on the LA weren't enough. This set of drawers sells for £12.99, it's tempting to go back and pick another one up, for when the collection grows, but by then I'll no doubt be fed up of this, I've only had my old storage since the Summer.

So how I organise it:

Top Row
First Drawer, Eye products - Mascara, eyeliners and primers.
Middle Drawer, Lip glosses and a couple lipsticks, hardly wear lipstick.
Third Drawer, Lip balms and Lip scrubs.
Drugstore, urban decay and some benefit hidden in there.

Same as above! Obviously I need more Lip Products!?

Few more products to add in.

Middle Row
Left Drawer, Eye Shadow palettes and odd few singles.
Right Drawer, Face products - 3 go to foundations, powders, blusher, concealer, etc.

The naked palette is my life.

Bottom Drawer
Spare brushes, make-up spongers < hardly ever used. & extras.

Extras and pointless tat.
Then, stood on top, my Sigma brushes - New York.

These make my life so much easier <3 Amazing.

So that's my baby make-up collection, I'm sure it'll double in a few months, so much I want. At the moment I'm off buying makeup and more into nail polishes again and of course LUSH, since it's been Christmas! Expect some storage posts for these.


Weekly Haul // Boxing Day Sales

Hi lovelies, it feels like forever since I blogged, I'm still incredibly tired from Christmas, or it's the fact I'm sick of the sight of food from the last few days and not eating. I had a lovely Christmas, I know it's not all about presents, but I was spoilt this year and loved every item I received, I think I had most of what I asked for and more?! Crazy, now it's time to put it all away and eventually review it all. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas or what ever holiday you celebrate. I woke up ill on Christmas morning, so by evening I was zonked out. But this paid off and I was up and ready to leave the house before the shops opened the next morning and off I went into Boots, to snatch up some bargains. So here is what I ended up with and if you like any, run to your Boots store asap, online is awful this year, since they started it early, idiots.

Boot's - Photo taken on my BB.
So onto what I picked up, Boots was the only store I picked up stuff for myself, Who else thinks the sales suck this year, Newlook, Topshop, River Island, Jane Norman etc are useless, or the nice stuff is never in UK 6's or 8's, there's not even shoes in size 3!?! There's always tiny shoes for me, this year, they're in sizes I didn't think was possible for women to have that big size of feet. I ended up at boots just before 10, the website lied and said they opened much earlier, so I was greeted by family day outers all waiting, joy. While they all marched upstairs I went the opposite way and had my pick of the perfumes and aftershaves (Dad's birthday coming up, bonus) before they realised they were also half price.

The first item, Vera Wang - Love Struck. Now I'd wanted this for Christmas, but didn't get it, I always end up with perfume, but this year I didn't, but we had learnt about Boots half pricing the fragrances and it was worth waiting. So the set was half price at £19 or around abouts. You get the 30ml perfume (kind of small, but I own loads) and 75ml of body lotion and 75ml of shower gel. I'll do a full review, the scent does have a hint of the Princess, so anybody who loves the Princess range will love this. For £19 you get 3 items and a gorgeous, sturdy box, amazing. I'll no doubt pick the bigger size up when I'm abroad, always the way to do it. It was this or Juicy, but to me Juicy Couture perfumes smell like the Britney perfumes which are much cheaper and I adore Vera Wang!

Next perfume, isn't technically mine, I wanted it and I might pick my own up, I went in with my Mum, because she is the best person to shop with, seriously, I should hire her out, I obviously got this from her. She has never ever had a Britney perfume in her life, but she loves mine, yes they are cheap but I get the most compliments when I wear mine. This year I was smelling Radiance, used to hate it, but I love it now. This set was on sale for £11.50. Technically my mums but she says I can use it, how lovely. You get the 30ml perfume, then a mini size, which is 5ml followed by a 30ml shower gel. I love the bottle. This will make a nice change to her usual, more pricey perfume.

Then, next in the basket, the sets of miniature perfumes, they all go well together and are great to shove in your clutch on a night out if you don't own a travalo, which I need to get. Picked up, the male and female versions. My Dad's using the male set today. It's a good way to find new scents. Alongside that, a set of my brothers hair products for him.

Back to my items, I love James Brown, hair products and I always pick these up in the sales! I've used them since the start and now there's two ranges. I suggest if you want to try these out, you go to Boot's because the sets I got were amazing value, the items sell for about £6 each, full size. Every item in the sets I picked up are full size! So for the 'shopper bag' set, this was about £8, I think, you get 1 shampoo, 1 conditioner, 1 serum, 1 treatment. Next up the 'makeup' style bag set, this is the photo fabulous range! I love this range, this is £9 in the sale. You get Shampoo, Conditioner, Rollers, mousse and hairspray. All full size!!! Then another Photo Fabulous set for £7.50 I had this in the other range last year (white range, signature) and it was amazing, as the other PF set I picked was for volume, this is more about condition and shine. You get all full size, shampoo, conditioner and a hair treatment. As you can see I am fully stocked. Shame they didn't have the massive set for £12.50 in the sale.

Last items, aren't female, so I won't go on about them, as the fragrances were on sale and it's my Dad's birthday. So for a change he can try the Joop - Splash and upstairs in the gifts a set of Champneys body products. Deo&Body wash. Joop was only £18.50!? Smells good too. The Champneys set was only £9. He'll no doubt think, we think he smells, with this lot. Haha. Then Burtons and Next for clothes and we picked up some nice items for him! But Christ, the men are worse than women in the sales?!

So that's my lot so far in the sales, no injuries, a few knocks with baskets, they got back, what they gave. I must of sold quite a fair bit of stock for Boot's while there, people listening into my conversations, then looking and grabbing or asking me how good it is and what's in there. I'll go in again tomorrow and see it's all vanished and be gutted, why I put a few sets back I wanted to try and review is beyond me.
What have you managed to pick up?


Christmas Nails // 8 Nail Art Designs

Hey lovelies, I'm back with a post for those who are lacking in ideas for their Christmas nail art. I went for simple and when you don't actually have all the proper nail art tools still, you make do with what you have. I didn't go out and buy polishes just for designs. I had every colour, maybe not the correct shade, but does it really matter?

My nail wheels finally came, I knew I wasn't having nail art of my fingers, I was using nail wraps this year, so I ordered a pack on 10 for under £2 with shipping. Thankyou Mr Hong Kong man on eBay :D It was going to cost me £2 plus delivery for one single wheel here. Pricey UK. So now I have enough to do 180 nail looks.  I got started on my disaster nail art. It's not too bad, you kind of see what it's supposed to be.

So onto my little creations.

So, from the left, first up is Mr Penguin, I love penguins, I suppose he didn't turn out too bad, he still looks cute. He's pretty easy to do. Paint the nail black, then do a white oval. Add two dots of white for eyes, then two black dots inside and then a brown beak and feet. I didn't have orange.
Second nail, god this one is awful, I have never managed to draw Holly, even back at school, doing GCSE art. White background on nail, three red dots, green leaves and then a glitter top coat for sparkle.
Nail design number three, who doesn't want a Santa hat!? Red background, or as close as you can get, white fluffy line at the bottom for the fur trim and a dot for the bobble. Fill in with a similar colour of red and then outline.
Nail four, a simple Christmas nail, if I didn't have nail wraps this year, I'd have this design on my nails. If you fail at tips or nail art do this. Diagonal tips are easier than ordinary. Start off doing your white coat, then green tip or what ever colour you want, then a glitter topcoat to finish!! Simple.
The fifth nail, not too nice, but, a double tip of festive colour, Green background, followed with a white tip, then a red tip. Then paint on the glitter top coat.
Five easy Christmas nail design for you.

The last three designs.

Mr Frosty. He looks sort of lame, but if you want a snowman or two, paint your nail a pale blue, then a white circle for the head. Start using the black for his hat. Keep it square for ease. Then use two black gems for eyes, one orange for his nose. And lastly more black for his mouth. Simple.
Next up the Christmas pudding nail, this is my favourite! Paint your nail brown, then onto the icing, starting painting lines of white for the icing then fill them in to look like above. Then finish off with 3 dots of red and 2 green leaves. Add a bit of glitter if you want. I did.
Lastly, the simple present nail, I used two polishes from the Muppet's collection, if you want the same glitter as this it is, Wocka Wocka and Excuse Moi, then paint on a white cross and a white bow. It can be painted in many colours.

So I hope you enjoyed my Christmas nail art, I'm not a pro at it, but it gives you ideas for your own! I personally think nail wraps are the way to go, no fussing of having every colour. 


If you want any of the polishes I used comment below or tweet me. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas.

Christmas Nails // Rebel Nails

Evening lovelies, I'm back again with another post tonight, about my Christmas nails. Now remember the other week, I ordered loads of nail wraps from Rebel Nails, well these are my Christmas week nails. I say week, I'll want to try some more patterns, though I'll do my best not to and wait till New Years eve for my next set! I'm still getting used to these wraps, not so easy as others, but I love the designs and the whole company. They're lovely. I've ordered some for my Mum now and I know I've got some from her too. 

So, if you want these for yourself, head onto the Rebel Nails website, these of course are part of the Christmas range and are now reduced, you won't have them for Christmas, but it's still winter, so if you want wintery nails after Christmas or to pick them up and keep safe for next year, go! I'm getting on better with these, my left hand has literally zero baby bubbles compared to my first use, though my right does have few, don't look close, fine. You still need to use quite a bit of heat with these & with this set design I used different numbers (sizes) than I did for the last, so maybe some are cut a little different? You get a stencil to measure your nails. 

So what everyone wants to see, the nail wraps on. I love them, even the boys in my family love them! They seem to be amazed by nail wraps today, I guess they finally paid attention today. The blasting of the hair dryer made them ask away. Then watch. I blame them for the little bumps. Like I said, these are a bit thicker than ones I've used before, so a lot of heat and time is needed to get them perfect and practise! So thank god I have ALOT.

So what do you guys think? Like my Christmas day nails? I think they're cute! I love them. Now if you can't get your hands on nail wraps I have another post with ideas for you coming up, bare in mind I am not the best at nail art. I can paint and do nail wraps and provide you fake nails (mine are real) but nail art, no.

Again if you don't get online before Christmas, Have a wonderful Christmas! Or Holiday you celebrate!


Weekly Haul // Christmas Time & Gift Guide.

Hey lovelies, as you know I've been shopping crazy since it's Christmas, rather than doing one for every time I shop, or super long ones, I've decided to put all my favourite items I've 'collected' purchased over the last 2 weeks together. Today was pamper day, went into town, got my eyebrows tinted and waxed as usual, so they're perfect for Christmas & New Year. Then shopping followed. Only a few items, the only decent clothes shop in my town is Newlook. Their sale is so crap. I guess they're saving it for Christmas Eve again.

So for today's items.

Item number one, this gorgeous sheer floral shirt. You know by now I am obsessed with any shirts that are sheer or peter pan collared. I have wanted a floral shirt in ages, but never find them, despite bloggers featuring them. They did this in several floral patterns, this one being the best, the others were what your Great Grandma would wear if she was being 'fashionable' They were awful. Luckily they had an 8 left! Guardian Angel returns, it's a bit big, I'd rather of had a 6, but, it's just the shoulders, it fits my wrists perfectly. Diddy wrists, always mean sleeves don't fit properly. The back is open, it has one button at the top and one at the bottom, bonus of being a bit big, I can just slip it on and off without undoing. Newlook are getting a lot of nice sheer shirts lately. This came at the rather cheap price of £16.99. Looks so good on. OOTD coming soon.

Item number two, bargain time, you will of all heard and spotted Nail Rock nail wraps in many shops or online. Well Newlook have these for £3! for 24 wraps, they aren't my favourite brand, the more you use them, they do get a bit better. But for £3 you can't complain. These will do you twice & a few extra for nail art designs. Or three times, using 8 each time and having an accent nail on each hand. There's loads of ways when it comes to nails. I hate doing nail art, so these are a life saver. I picked up, furry cheetah. They had the stripes, a lot had in their Glossy boxes or they had the gold giraffe I've had before. I think these were on sale since the new Nail Rock range, Gold by Giles is in stores. I have some of them to show you too. With these half price, they make a great, cheap, Christmas Stocking filler.

Item number three, I don't even know why I'm putting this on here, but I'd ran out and this smells gorgeous. Everyone should of come across the brand BAYLIS & HARDING this Christmas. Their gift sets seem to be everywhere this year. I didn't even notice it was by them in the store, just picked it up because it's on sale for £1. This is the Lemon and Mandarin scent, with added Vitamin E. Smells yummy and it's the perfect size for handbags. Reminds me of the Bath & Body works.

Item's from the last week or two. These items are either for me or for Christmas presents. You've seen one item in an outfit of the night. My leopard print sheer sleeveless shirt. It's gorgeous. I've worn this to death since getting this. I've dressed it up and dressed it down. It's so soft and comfy. Favourite top of the month. For the cheap price of £16.99, you can't go wrong. 

Another set of Nail Rock nail wraps, these are part of the new range they have. Gold by Giles. I love the 'crazy' patterns they have, Animal prints in bright colours and not one set pattern, in a set. They did these in blue also. I picked up a set to put in my Mum's stocking. I love doing my nails, especially using nail wraps. Life is made easier. These were £5.99. As normal. They do 6 patterns in this range, my store had 5 of the 6. These below are mine.

The Melting Snowman, bath melt, that I have reviewed already. He's gorgeous and works wonders. The best bath melt out there. You won't have to moisturise. My body still felt moisturised the next morning. £1.95 and you get two uses from him. I love LUSH. 

Now onto the last of this 'Haul'. Stuck on what to buy your Mum or any female in your life? Well here's what I've picked out and is now wrapped under my tree for mine. She's going to be pampered this Christmas. I hope she doesn't read my blog, or I'll have to take them all back to the shops ;). She doesn't think she's getting the big Sanctuary set. It sold out in store and online, then went back up to the full price. It may be back online, not sure. My store literally has one left. So I think she's hoping it stays there for the sale. She'll be happy she loves this brand. Followed by more Sanctuary products. The set of Nail Rock, Gold by Giles, nail wraps, bracelets, just every day ones, chocolate, her favourite. A jumper she's wanted for so long. New PJ's we always have new PJ's for Christmas. More makeup, it was better to buy it in a gift set. Poppy King for No7. Her favourite perfume. The famous MUA heaven and earth palette. She loves mine. A few nail polishes. The Boots Cranberry set. Bonus of being 3 for 2. & of course LUSH. And anything else I've missed and not pictured. I've ordered a few more little bits for her, hoping they arrive by Christmas. Royal Mail take the biscuit. I'd rather pamper my Mum because she does a lot for me and the boys won't.

So, what has everyone been buying? These are my favourite items and a mini gift guide to help you if your stuck. I've been helping so many guys on Twitter and round here for Christmas ideas. I should start charging. Have you used the Boots 3 for 2 offer and gave yourself a treat this year? 


Fearne // Makeup Brush Review

Hi lovelies, I was hoping my first review about makeup brushes would be about Sigma, well sadly not, sigma have let me down and my brushes aren't here, but everyone else has theirs. Not amused. Anybody else having the same? However I have got some rather amazing brushes to review! I was so shocked at how well these work. You can still pick these up, they are available from all Boots stores and online on their site. These brushes are from the Fearne Cotton range, I saw these last year and thought they were naff. They don't exactly look the most expensive do they.

So the Fearne Cotton range has been out for a few years now, it ranges from all sorts of makeup, bigger gift sets and this year the addition of nail wraps, which my lucky 400GFC winner will get a chance to use. Now the brushes don't look the best. This is why I didn't try them last year. They haven't changed. They come in a clear case, that reminds me of the cheap primary school ones you never used, I was always in Claire's getting the latest. Sad child. You get 5 brushes. Well 10, they're double ended. Not normally a fan of brushes that are double ended. The brushes as you can see are pink. Lately I've wanted pink brushes, there was a gorgeous unknown set floating around on blogs. The 'sticks' I guess, I'm not a pro brush reviewer, are gorgeous. Cute little floral pattern. No need to worry about if the brushes will fall out, because they won't and the actual brush is so soft. They feel so silky on your face. The eye brushes can be a little scratchy though. Can't be perfect for the price you pay. 

The 5 brushes inside:
2x Powder/Blusher Brush
1x Dual Eye Shadow Brush
1x Dual Eye Shadow Brush and Eyeliner Brush
1x Lip Brush

So really you have 10 brushes, since the 5 are double ended:
Face brushes, 1 powder, 1 foundation, 1 blush, 1 angled.
Eye Brushes, Eye shadow x3, 1 Eyeliner
Lip Brushes, x2.

Now I have used all the brushes, but the lip brush, I don't really have any products to use with them. I'm a lipgloss girl most the time, not very often will I wear lipstick. However they do look like they'd be great for lining and filling in. My favourite brush of all, is the foundation. Hands down the best foundation brush I own. It's great. Provides a much better smoother, flawless finish than the rest. It's incredibly soft and smooth too. It doesn't shed and cleaned up lovely. The eyeshadow brushes, don't live up to my urban decay brushes, but the blending brush is amazing, just a little scratchy. These also clean up nicely and don't shed. These are great for in between washing your brushes and for anyone starting off. Now for the blusher brushes, I am a big fan of blusher, I love it. These brushes in this set are amazing, they blend all my blushers out perfectly and pick up powder or mineral fine. My favourite and most used of the two is, of course the angled. I always use an angled for blusher and bronzer. Lastly the face powder brush, not amazing, but it does the job. My usual kabuki's normally do a fab job, but this is nearly up to standards.

I was sent this sent of brushes after PR seeing my big Sanctuary gift set that I purchased, I'm still giving an honest review. The set costs £16. For 10 brushes its amazing. And they actually are great. I really do recommend picking these up to try, at the moment 3 for 2 is still going on, so why not treat yourself to these while you Christmas shop for other gifts. Or wait till the famous Boots sale starts and pick them up for £8. Even better, if there's any left though. I've now come across a lot of bloggers raving about them too. I've used these every day now for the past 2 weeks and washed them plenty of times. They still look brand new. I can't stop raving about them enough, all my other brushes have got the shove. Till my sigma order arrives I'll be using these. So thank you Matt for sending me these lovely brushes! I'm so impressed!

This item was sent for review consideration. No Payment was received.

Lush // Candy Mountain review

Evening lovelies. Today's review is about Candy Mountain, this usually comes in the form of a candy cane or creamy candy when Christmas is over. The pink and white bubble bar is super sweet. If you're a lover of vanilla fragrances you'll love the products - especially when teamed with Snow Fairy. Crumble a small amount under running water, swish about and you'll enjoy 3-4 baths with this one. You won't have high pigmented bath water with this product, if you want your pink water, chuck the whole thing in. The scent also seemed stronger this year. If you've got ahead and finished your Christmas shopping, like me, then treat yourself to one of these this week, before it's too late for just £2.35! Lucy xox
Where To Find Lucyy Writes
Other Christmas Lush Review by Lucyy Writes

Lush // Melting Snowman Review

Hey lovelies, I'm back with yet another Lush review. Today while Christmas shopping, this little chap popped in the basket. I made sure I picked the one that was the biggest, better looking..though he's not the prettiest item...and has all his eye balls intact. For some reason, I thought this item was much more and hadn't bothered to pick him up, since he's so small. As soon as I realised he was cheaper he was in the basket and I hope I get many more of these before Christmas is over. 
The Melting Snowman, is a bath melt which then turns the water into a creamy, very pale colour. Sounds boring, but does wonders for your skin. This ones for all those with dry or sensitive skin. Anyone remember the bearded lady, from last years range? Well, this seems to have replaced it, Bearded lady was a bubble bar, but contained similar ingredients, had a different scent though and was all about moisturising your skin. To me this is even better. Now for £1.95 you can't complain. Tonight, I ending up cutting him in half, so I have another lovely, relaxing bath with him.

I can really smell the scent on my skin, it smells amazing and goes with two of my favourite Christmas products and a favourite scent of mine this year. I haven't always loved this scent, this year I think I may actually pick it over Snow Fairy!?! What's going on. I've used more of the Snowcake scented products than the Snow Fairy scented at the moment. 

The 'body' of the snowman contains bicarb of soda, which softens the water, plenty of cocoa butter and Shea butter. So as soon as this chap hits the hot water, he'll start melting away, to give you the most relaxing and creamy bath you've ever had. I can't explain how truly soft and smooth your skin feels after him! The snowman, does include chocolate drops as his eyes and buttons, these won't mess up your bath, they won't colour your bath water a weird colour, they simply just melt and dissolve away, vanished. Will you be treating yourself to a Melting Snowman this year? Lucy xox
Where To Find Lucyy Writes
Other Christmas Lush Review by Lucyy Writes

5 Stocking Filler's For Christmas // 2011

Hey lovelies. Now the best thing about Christmas for me still, is waking up and before dragging myself out of bed is having quite a lot of little items for me to open in my rather large stocking. Some how years ago my Mum found these giant stockings and she's now stuck filling them up every year, which is pricey when your daughter is obsessed with trying the latest makeup. I don't think you can ever get too old for Christmas stockings, we all have one in our house and I plan on having one in 10 years time when I'm nearly 30. Whoever the lucky guy is, better carry this on. ;)
So if your stuck on what to get a family member, if you also do Christmas stockings, or your a guy who's stumbled across my blog in hope of some answers of what to buy, I hope this is some help to you. Or simply that you want to treat yourself in the Christmas season.

Item number one on the Christmas Stocking list, the Hello Kitty Liberty Nail Gift Set, I'd been eyeing this set up for a long time, now this set has a well deserved place in my nail polish storage. This retails at £10. Which for what it includes is great. This set contains, 3 nail polishes and 1 nail file and packaged in a gorgeous tin. Now I'm not the biggest hello kitty fan, but this appealed to me when all the gifts arrived in Boots. I'd be happy with this in my stocking, so would any other nail polish lover or Hello Kitty fan! Alongside any of the other Hello Kitty sets, there are a lot of really reasonably priced gifts. Not only is it a great price, but it's in the 3 for 2 offer. So if you have your eye on this yourself, pick it up as the free gift! Only thing, the picture on the Boot's site shows the caps of the bottles patterned matching the tin, where as mine are just plain gold. The tin will look great out on anyones dressing table and once they've used the products up, they have a pretty tin to use as storage. 

Nailease - L & C. Incoco - R
Item number two, or how ever many sets you want to buy of these, I've reviewed these lovelies on my blog already and included in my first OOTN. But you don't have to buy this particular brand, it's just the brand I have in my room at the moment, I also have a couple from another brand and have also reviewed more. So my top brands I would purchase from for nail wraps. 1. Nailease, they do amazing quality wraps, but not so many patterns as my next. 2. Rebel Nails, popular with the celebs but wont empty your bank account. 3. Incoco, for the Americans and limited UK patterns, if you hunt for them. I was informed they are in Selfridges, well Incoco are missing from the site and I've seen zero bloggers post about them. Nail wraps are a massive craze and are the perfect item for any girls nail collection or a cheats way to nail art. Here are a few examples of nail wraps. Search my blog for reviews and my latest OOTN. You can even pick them up in La Senza, they've started their own for Christmas. Or there's another popular brand Nail Rock, very popular with bloggers, but not with me. 

Item number three, an affordable brush set, can't afford mac or sigma, or can't wait that long for sigma to arrive, mine is still somewhere in the US, Atlantic or somewhere lost in the UK. I can see bad things happening, I'm so unlucky. So I've been using these brushes this week. Why I didn't try them sooner? I didn't bother last year, hate brushes with double ends, but how wrong am I, they're amazing, I went shopping the other day, I had texts flying in of 'I've just saw you, you look great' I thank these brushes. My makeup has never gone on so amazing in my life. Full review on these for sure! So for the perfect staple of someones makeup kit, or for someone starting out, pick these up! They will love them. I adore the foundation brush and eye brushes! 5 double ended brushes, so 10 brushes for £16. Plus they're in the 3 for 2. Fearne Brush Up Your Image, is a winner for me.

Item number 4 of my top 5, notice how I haven't mentioned LUSH yet. Another item I have received this last month. One of the Strictly Come Dancing sets, now I'm not a fan of the show. I'm a fan of this though, not my every day colours, but I can use these over Christmas and my Mum's even eyeing this set up. The lip products inside are pretty great quality. But the eyeshadows, the smoothest eye shadow I have come across and so pigmented. Perfect for a dance fanatic. I have the Strictly Stunning Look Book. You get three shadows, three lipgloss' and 1 blush. Along with the mirror, helpful pull out tips and mini applicators, that aren't that bad, if your on the go, they're fine. No fall out. Gorgeous colours, I love the blush. These retail at £10. For 7 products, it's pretty good! Very good quality and there are other sets, for those who don't like the blue shades in this set.
So that was my top five stocking fillers for this Christmas. I hope some of you enjoyed this. I have more posts coming soon, I just feel exhausted today. Even this post took me twice as long! Do you still have Christmas stockings?

Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.
Disclaimer - I was sent the 3 items from boots, after pr seeing my review on the Sanctuary gift set, that I purchased two of. It is up to me to review these and I'm amazed at how well chosen the items were. Thank you. I had no idea what I was being sent, surprised and very thankful.

Lush // Golden Wonder bath bomb Review

Hey lovelies, in today's post I share my thoughts on another of my most favourite seasonal Lush products. I was super lucky enough to receive a golden wonder in a package from their lovely PR team. I still have so many other products to share with you, along with my gift guides, I absolutely adore Christmas time, can you tell? If there are any other products you'd like to see reviewed on LW let me know in the comments below.
Golden Wonder is the most stunning bath bomb Lush have on sale in their current Christmas line - it's absolutely huge too. The giant present shaped bath bomb retails for £3.25 (NOTE in 2015 it is now £3.95), one of the more expensive products but you're getting great value for money with the ability to split this one into more than just one bath. If you're a long time fan of Lush you may recognise the fragrance Golden Wonder carries, who remembers Champagne Snow Showers? The giant shimmering present is full of sweet orange oil, lime oil filling your bath room with a light, fizzing champagne cocktail scent. Half if plenty for this bath bomb, my original of this bath bomb arrived broken - cheers Postman. The whole house smelt of Lush until the next morning, my Dad loves coming home to the fragrances from a night shift or a night with his boys.
Now for the colour display? The bath bomb fizzes away neither too slow or too fast, making sure you don't miss the surprise centre that's awaiting you. Pick one up in store and give it a little shake? Inside there are coloured beads of ballistic that give this bath bomb the bright explosions you see above. There's also soluble stars and gold lustre. They seem to dissolve quicker than the bath bomb, only through pictures did I notice them. From just using half a bath bomb the colours are pretty impressive right?
Would I buy this bath bomb again? Absolutely. In fact I'm updating this blog post in 2015 now and I still buy this bath bomb. If you're looking for a bath product to get you in the party mood this Christmas and New Year, Golden Wonder is the one for you. If you're lucky enough to make the 50% off boxing day sales I'd recommend grabbing all that they have left. Have you tried Golden Wonder yet? Lucy xox
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Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.
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