UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

OOTN // A Meal With Friends // 10/12/11

Evening lovelies, so I've been going on for awhile, since the beginning of all my hauls, that I'd do a OOTD or wear the clothes I buy in hauls, well I still haven't got the mirror situation sorted in my room but there's plenty in the house that are full length. Go easy on me, this is my first Outfit of the night post and yes the lighting is pretty crap, it's winter folks. It's dark by 3pm now. Tonight was a meal at the usual place, with friends. It was nice seeing them. Though I did get 'assalted' ;). I'm sure at least one of them reads my blog, they'll get it. So get ready for some yummy food and the outfit. To be honest I was a tad over dressed for the place, but who cares, at the end of the day I liked it.

What I wore.

Sheer Shirt - Newlook - £16.99 - It's going quick, this will be in my latest haul. It was the only one and in size 6!! This doesn't happen often. It's the same style as another I've hauled back along, leopard print without looking tacky. I didn't bother wearing a top under, it was sheer, but wear a nice bra in the evening (well I always do) and it's fine. Day time, wear a top.

Black, ribbed, body con skirt - Newlook again - £15.99 - A little while back, but they do keep popping back, they just seem to go quick in store and online, this style is cut small so go up a size. Has a zip on show at the back and is really fitted and thick. Everyone needs a few in their wardrobe.

Shoe Boots - Matalan - £18 - Pretty shocked they're from there, but they were what I wanted, covered in toes, 4inch heels, not so comfy as I'd like, and have an animal print border around the top. My others seem to be crazy big, I can't walk in them, can feet even shrink? Or shoe's stretch? -.-

Necklace - Unknown, from a jewellery shop - Present from Auntie a few years back. I wear this everyday.
Nails - Rebel Nails - £7.99. Love this design so much, they're worth a check out.

Food because it was yum.

Nachos - Shared, Italian style chicken, tastes better than it looks, though how anyone can eat a meal that size is beyond me, I manage half...& the massive dessert, we shared. Nom. Somebody needs to join the gym now.

So there you have my first OOTN, photo's aren't brilliant, bad lighting and used my blackberry. Camera was flat. 


Disclaimer - All items purchased by me, however I was born with these legs.


  1. I love the skirt! The food looks so good

    That’s So Fletch
    xo, Jay

  2. So jealous of how skinny you are!! Such a cute outfit, I'm always overdressed too but I never care!! =p

    ~ Lauren <3


  3. I love sheer tops haha, I wear them sheer during the day too. Work it :P

    - Allie x

    Allie UK Blog

  4. You look amazing! I just ordered some festive rebel nails because of you!

  5. You look stunning. Im so jealous of your figure!!! :( Xx

  6. The food looks so yummy. YOu look amazing too, I love the print of the shirt. xo

  7. you look stunning

  8. You look fab, the food looks quite good too! x

  9. Love your nails, and I am so jealous of your figure.

  10. Your nails look great, love glitter! x

  11. oh nachos, how i love thee...
    fabulous post! :D

    maddie xx

  12. Glitter! :D :D So festive! Love the nails and the outfit :D x

  13. love the nails

  14. Thankyou everyone for your lovely comments :D <3

  15. Love your outfit and so jel of your stunning figure :) xxx
    Mmm nachos hehe


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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