UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Makeup Storage // My new addition.

Hey lovelies, so I'm jumping onto the band wagon, I always love reading these posts. Though my collection is hardly big and for all those who lust over MAC well, I must be the only blogger not to own it, I don't see the big hype. I'll be saving my Debenhams gift cards for underwear and the new Naked 2 palette, next month. My collection is small but it's what I use and need. I'm not an out there, bright coloured, eye shadow wearer, I keep it neutral and I don't know where all my lip products have gone!? I've purchased most of this myself, a few gifted and bits and bobs I won back along. I must be the only blogger to buy what I need and be ruthless every couple of months.

So here's the newest way I store my makeup, I had it in two postcard print storage boxes before, annoying as hell when you used it every day, forever lifting lids and boxes, got annoying and messy. So I've always come across bloggers using the sets of drawers WHSmiths sell, though the patterns are never me or suit my room. Yesterday I popped in and thought I'd look. They had a couple designs, only two would suit my room. There was the box I have or a Laura Ashley, but the drawers on the LA weren't enough. This set of drawers sells for £12.99, it's tempting to go back and pick another one up, for when the collection grows, but by then I'll no doubt be fed up of this, I've only had my old storage since the Summer.

So how I organise it:

Top Row
First Drawer, Eye products - Mascara, eyeliners and primers.
Middle Drawer, Lip glosses and a couple lipsticks, hardly wear lipstick.
Third Drawer, Lip balms and Lip scrubs.
Drugstore, urban decay and some benefit hidden in there.

Same as above! Obviously I need more Lip Products!?

Few more products to add in.

Middle Row
Left Drawer, Eye Shadow palettes and odd few singles.
Right Drawer, Face products - 3 go to foundations, powders, blusher, concealer, etc.

The naked palette is my life.

Bottom Drawer
Spare brushes, make-up spongers < hardly ever used. & extras.

Extras and pointless tat.
Then, stood on top, my Sigma brushes - New York.

These make my life so much easier <3 Amazing.

So that's my baby make-up collection, I'm sure it'll double in a few months, so much I want. At the moment I'm off buying makeup and more into nail polishes again and of course LUSH, since it's been Christmas! Expect some storage posts for these.



  1. it's so refreshing to see a "normal" sized make up collection, i don't understand people that have millions and millions of products and they aren't even MUA :S

    lovely storage xx

  2. I sell cosmetics and even you "collection" Is bigger than mine lol

  3. I've got the same storage boxes as these although mine are 'cath kidston' print, but I never knew how to store my makeup in them, but this has helped:)
    its nice to see someone that doesnt have a ridiculously big amount of makeup like some

  4. I love your storage! Mine is a complete mess at the moment! - I might head to WHSMITH.

  5. I need to get a decent storage box for my stuff. This looks like a nice one. I keep losing mine between my place and my parents' and can never remember where I left it. Need to be more organised.
    Spotted a few things there that I have. Great minds think alike!

  6. cosy little collection you have there, just enough really! love the sigma brushes! XO

  7. Thats such a good way to store everything, and WOW you love your lip balms!! Hahaha.

    I just have a huge box which means I have to dig to find what I want. Super annoying

    - Allie x

    Allie UK Blog

  8. Great storage! Might take a look at getting one of those draws I have my GlossyBox boxes all stacked up containing my makeup it's annoying having loads of different boxes Xx

  9. I love the pattern you got! I'm the same as you, i get fed up of my storage all the time and end up swapping for something new, which i get fed up of as easily as the first! x

  10. I don't have a lot of make-up either and thought I was odd for a blogger!
    This set of drawers is lovely.
    And yay, your Sigma brushes finally arrived! xx

  11. I love this post!
    There's something so satisfying about staring at pictures of things where everything has been compartmentalised...
    I need to get myself a few things to organise my room, I have far too much stuff for my storage to accommodate!

  12. i like your make up collection, it isn't massive where half the stuff goes to waste haha. the storage box is so cute.x

  13. Do I spy fearne brushes? I have those document boxes to store mine and boxes from bath sets and things because they look pretty and cost me nothing. :D I have a lot of them though.

  14. love your storage xx

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