UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Rebel Nails Review // Get Your Glitter On

Evening lovelies, tonight's post is the first of many to come. You all know by now how much I love doing my nails and especially nail wraps. I always like to try new brands and for this new 'series' I guess you can call it that, I will make my way through my newly collected range of nail wraps and bring a few designs that haven't been released yet. Tonight's nails, have already been tweeted, if you follow me you've had a sneak peak. They come from Rebel Nails, a brand of nail wraps that is extremely popular with the Celebrities. For those who want this particular pattern. I ordered these while they had their offer on last weekend as well as free delivery. Free delivery is still on at the moment, but no discount. Altogether 5 sets were ordered. 1 on Friday, then Saturday they arrived and looked great, so while the offer was on another four were chosen!

Rebel Nails, are the leading brand of nail wraps in the UK, they were the first brand I read about, but this is the first time of trying them. They have the best selection of patterns I have ever come across. You have your basic plain colours or simple glitters, to your Animal prints, Christmas prints, Valentines, Florals, Feather, Henna and 22 carat Gold wraps. Now I'm not normally a fan of wraps that you need to use heat with, but these I could get used to. You apply them to a prepared nail, whether natural, gel or acrylic. Just heat the wrap enough so it curls and place the curve edge at the cuticle, stretch over the nail and try to push out the bubbles/creases then file off the excess at a 45 degree angle. It will take a few practises to get perfect nails, mine aren't super perfect! But I've got plenty to get used to.

This set has got to be their most gorgeous design. I love how it slowly fades into different glitters. It's great that you get 16 wraps, even though this is a finger set (they do separate sets for fingers and toes, I have such small toes, I'll be able to cut a few and get another set out of them, or do some nail looks using the left overs on my fingers. You should have pretty nails for 2 weeks on finger nails and 4 weeks plus on toes! 

How I got on. I did okay, there are a few creases if you look closely, but this is my first time using these nail wraps, towards the end, the nails went so much better and you pick up what works for you. It's great they give you a stencil to see what size will fit each nail. I now know what size my nails are for my next set. You get a stencil with each set, one of mine didn't come with one, but I have plenty of stencils. As I said before, I normally hate using heat, because that means the wraps are thicker, thinner wraps are easier, they go on without the worries of creasing and easier to file. These are the best wraps that need heat. The heat actually works with them. I know that a few more go's I'll be a pro with these. They're super shiny when on and I've already had compliments. I've had no chips throughout the day on the tips, which is great, they feel secure, I'm sure these will last long! It'd be nice if the set came with a file and cuticle stick like other sets do, but overall I'm looking forward to using my next set I pick! Oh and Christmas week has a very seasonal design!

What do you think? Have you used these before? Did you make use of the offers last weekend? We sure did in my house! If Rebel Nails hadn't had the offers on, I wouldn't of tried them just yet, now I have, I know when I finally use all my sets up, I'll be ordering more. This set will cost you £7.99, with free delivery.



  1. I was considering getting some nail wraps for my sister for Christmas. I came across these ones you have on and fell in love with them myself. They look even nicer in your photos!

    Holli x

  2. great review, these nail strips sound really good x

  3. Great post Lucy, I have bare nails at the moment so may crack mine out to have a go tomorrow! Did you use a topcoat at all over them or do they go shiny once heated? x

  4. @Fab Fingertips Yes I used a topcoat after to be safe, but they were super shiny anyway! :) x

  5. I'm getting really intrigued about nail wraps, so I'll definitely be looking into different brands and designs. These look really lovely on your nails - the gradient effect is gorgeous.

  6. I can't believe I still haven't tried nail wraps yet! I love the look of them as well haha

    - Allie x

    Allie UK Blog

  7. Oh wow they look so good!! Is the glitter pressed like computer generated or can you feel it? I've not tried them yet because I haven't found any that I will spend a lot on and that I really like. I've had a look at the website and they have loads!! Thanks for showing them to us! XxxX

  8. I neeed these for my work party in 10 to get my nails to grow.

  9. lovely lovely nails! :)

  10. Wow, I never would have guessed they were wraps, they look amazing.

    I must try these now.

  11. Love these! not usually a fan of nail wraps but you can't even tell that they are!


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