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How to Pass your Theory Test // Lucyy Writes

Following on from my How to Survive your First Driving Lesson blog post I thought I'd create a little series with today's being the nest step to pass your theory test OR how I did. The original post received a lot of traffic and twitter love, despite being out of the blogging loop so many of you have been super supportive when it comes to those pre-lesson nerves. March 24th was my test day and thankfully I passed. I was more nervous about the place rather than the actual test but upon arriving it all went away. After signing in I was given a locker key - lucky number seven and thus I passed with flying colours with 50/50 & 62/75.
an image of how to pass your theory test
Find the method that works for you |
For me it was a combination of an app and a trio of discs. For the Theory Test (multiple choice questions) I found using 'The Official DVSA Theory Test Kit for car drivers' App the best. The question side of the app has a digital copy of the High-way code, study section (shortened topic sections), practice questions & case studies and mock exams. I made sure to read the high-way code once, flick through the digital, answer every question on the app (even if it does say I've answered 99% - I've completed it all!?) to 100% accuracy, used the mini- tests for subjects and plenty of mock exams. Topics I struggled with I made notes and flicked through the morning of the exam & that's what worked for me getting 50/50 on the day. As for the Hazard Perception I didn't like the section on the app as it's nothing like the real thing and used the Hazard DVD disc from my trio Driving Test Success. Granted the clips on the disc are still nothing like the real test, it makes the real test a whole lot easier but you get the gist of what you need to do and plenty of mock tests, mini tests and practise sessions. I knew if I failed it would be from the Hazard Perception, luckily I had a good amount over the 44/75 mark needed to pass. 

What to take with you |
Take both your card and paper parts of your licence otherwise you'll be wasting that money you've just paid and not sitting that test. All your belongings then go into your locker, so don't take a bag girls! Mine would never have fit if I had of taken one.

Leave on plenty of time |
If you arrive late you've thrown your money away and you'll have to rebook for another day. Always arrive at least 15 minutes before your slot and if you aren't too sure where the centre you can always make a trip pre-test so you're 100% certain on where you have to be. I arrived early and was able to start early.

Use that Flag button in your exam | 
On your exam if you struggle with ANY question or even have the tiniest amount of doubt click the flag button and you can come back to it once you've made your way through the other questions. 

How My Lessons Are Going |
Lesson wise I think I'm okay, I still think I'm awful at times and I did have a bad week where I wanted to get out the car and walk because he'd stressed me out. My lessons go much better if my anxiety is lower & when he hasn't cancelled a lesson like today. Lucy xx
*not sponsored at all :)


  1. This is the year I plan to learn to drive... the older I'm getting the more nervous I am of

    1. Go for it! I've had six two hour lessons now....he keeps cancelling some but I'm hoping to be done by summer. Always go ahead with your theory before you start lessons :)


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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