UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree //

an image of oh christmas tree oh christmas tree
an image of vintage crochet star decoration
an image of vintage metal tree christmas decoration
an image of vintage lace glass heart tree decoration
an image of fairy decoration
an image of crochet bird decoration
an image of Vintage owl tree decoration
an image of vintage santa tree decoration
an image of robin christmas tree topper
Today's post is short and sweet. I wanted to share my favourite decorations I've collected over the last few years since I found my adorable Christmas Tree from Homebase. I usually get my more special decorations from my local shabby chic, home accessory store - it honestly feels like walking into a Christmas Film set when December comes. To the point where I'm sure the north pole is hiding behind a door....she even has two adorable Dachshunds.

My Tree Topper doesn't really fit my theme of my tree though I always associate Robins with my Grandma, so it's like having a little piece of her at this time of year, she lived and breathed Christmas. It's no wonder I'm so crazy for it. She always said she'd come back as a Robin and each important moment a Robin appears. Who knows what my other Grandma will come back as. Christmas without either of them will be very strange this year. 

My most favourite decoration on the tree has to be the vintage santa, I picked him out last year from the little shop. He was the only one left and I'm kicking myself for not picking up a similar decoration they had a couple weeks ago - he's been snapped up. He looks so magical sitting at the top of my tree. Others from this store include the Norwegian Owl, who was the store owners favourite last year! The few she had flew off her shelves. I also grabbed the metal, crochet/lace covered star up last weekend while getting the last of my Christmas Shopping done. Previously, I'd been in the shop with my Mum for our annual decoration trip. The metal tree decoration was what I thought would go on our main tree but my Mum surprised me with a new decoration. I also picked the glass, lace effect locket style decoration which actually opens!  Where do you buy your decorations to? Lucy xx

1 comment

  1. Your tree is so Christmasy - I love your owl decoration, super cute!

    Lucy |


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