Hi lovelies, it feels like forever since I blogged, I'm still incredibly tired from Christmas, or it's the fact I'm sick of the sight of food from the last few days and not eating. I had a lovely Christmas, I know it's not all about presents, but I was spoilt this year and loved every item I received, I think I had most of what I asked for and more?! Crazy, now it's time to put it all away and eventually review it all. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas or what ever holiday you celebrate. I woke up ill on Christmas morning, so by evening I was zonked out. But this paid off and I was up and ready to leave the house before the shops opened the next morning and off I went into Boots, to snatch up some bargains. So here is what I ended up with and if you like any, run to your Boots store asap, online is awful this year, since they started it early, idiots.
Boot's - Photo taken on my BB. |
So onto what I picked up, Boots was the only store I picked up stuff for myself, Who else thinks the sales suck this year, Newlook, Topshop, River Island, Jane Norman etc are useless, or the nice stuff is never in UK 6's or 8's, there's not even shoes in size 3!?! There's always tiny shoes for me, this year, they're in sizes I didn't think was possible for women to have that big size of feet. I ended up at boots just before 10, the website lied and said they opened much earlier, so I was greeted by family day outers all waiting, joy. While they all marched upstairs I went the opposite way and had my pick of the perfumes and aftershaves (Dad's birthday coming up, bonus) before they realised they were also half price.
The first item, Vera Wang - Love Struck. Now I'd wanted this for Christmas, but didn't get it, I always end up with perfume, but this year I didn't, but we had learnt about Boots half pricing the fragrances and it was worth waiting. So the set was half price at £19 or around abouts. You get the 30ml perfume (kind of small, but I own loads) and 75ml of body lotion and 75ml of shower gel. I'll do a full review, the scent does have a hint of the Princess, so anybody who loves the Princess range will love this. For £19 you get 3 items and a gorgeous, sturdy box, amazing. I'll no doubt pick the bigger size up when I'm abroad, always the way to do it. It was this or Juicy, but to me Juicy Couture perfumes smell like the Britney perfumes which are much cheaper and I adore Vera Wang!
Next perfume, isn't technically mine, I wanted it and I might pick my own up, I went in with my Mum, because she is the best person to shop with, seriously, I should hire her out, I obviously got this from her. She has never ever had a Britney perfume in her life, but she loves mine, yes they are cheap but I get the most compliments when I wear mine. This year I was smelling Radiance, used to hate it, but I love it now. This set was on sale for £11.50. Technically my mums but she says I can use it, how lovely. You get the 30ml perfume, then a mini size, which is 5ml followed by a 30ml shower gel. I love the bottle. This will make a nice change to her usual, more pricey perfume.
Then, next in the basket, the sets of miniature perfumes, they all go well together and are great to shove in your clutch on a night out if you don't own a travalo, which I need to get. Picked up, the male and female versions. My Dad's using the male set today. It's a good way to find new scents. Alongside that, a set of my brothers hair products for him.
Back to my items, I love James Brown, hair products and I always pick these up in the sales! I've used them since the start and now there's two ranges. I suggest if you want to try these out, you go to Boot's because the sets I got were amazing value, the items sell for about £6 each, full size. Every item in the sets I picked up are full size! So for the 'shopper bag' set, this was about £8, I think, you get 1 shampoo, 1 conditioner, 1 serum, 1 treatment. Next up the 'makeup' style bag set, this is the photo fabulous range! I love this range, this is £9 in the sale. You get Shampoo, Conditioner, Rollers, mousse and hairspray. All full size!!! Then another Photo Fabulous set for £7.50 I had this in the other range last year (white range, signature) and it was amazing, as the other PF set I picked was for volume, this is more about condition and shine. You get all full size, shampoo, conditioner and a hair treatment. As you can see I am fully stocked. Shame they didn't have the massive set for £12.50 in the sale.
Last items, aren't female, so I won't go on about them, as the fragrances were on sale and it's my Dad's birthday. So for a change he can try the Joop - Splash and upstairs in the gifts a set of Champneys body products. Deo&Body wash. Joop was only £18.50!? Smells good too. The Champneys set was only £9. He'll no doubt think, we think he smells, with this lot. Haha. Then Burtons and Next for clothes and we picked up some nice items for him! But Christ, the men are worse than women in the sales?!
So that's my lot so far in the sales, no injuries, a few knocks with baskets, they got back, what they gave. I must of sold quite a fair bit of stock for Boot's while there, people listening into my conversations, then looking and grabbing or asking me how good it is and what's in there. I'll go in again tomorrow and see it's all vanished and be gutted, why I put a few sets back I wanted to try and review is beyond me.
What have you managed to pick up?