For those of you in the UK, it's likely that by now you'll be aware that the government have recently enforced a new rule to UK restaurants with 250+ employees, to display calorie information on both their in-person and online menus. The government are insisting this new rule, is a step to help customers, by allowing them to make healthier and more informed choices when dining out and ordering in takeaway, in turn, tackling obesity. Of course, some larger chains have already been displaying calorie information for quite some time, however many haven't.

Whilst the government claim this is one step, into their plan of tackling obesity, many are concerned this next step will cause great harm for opposite reasons. Restaurants are concerned of the increase in cost, altering and updating menus both in-house and online, may take time and money but also has a great impact into others mental and physical well-being. There is a large concern for the future generation, growing up and dining in environments where they only opt for the dishes under a certain amount of calories, forgetting that more plays into a dishes 'nutritional' content, not to mention reducing the discovery of new cuisines, ingredients and flavours.
Charities such as BEAT, are concerned this new drive, will contribute to increasing harmful thoughts and behaviours to all those with food/eating disorders. Displaying calorie information on menus will cause great anxiety and harm to those with disordered behaviours and thoughts around food already, feeding into the fixation and increased feeling of 'guilt' many struggle with. Of course, some might argue that supermarkets already display this information on food packaging, again this is already challenging enough for many.
How do Wagamama come into this? With Wagamama being a chain large enough to be affected by the new mandatory rule to display calories on menus, they have decided to support their customers by allowing them the choice of opting for a menu with calorie content or without. Wagamama realise that calories aren't helpful for everyone and that everyones relationship with food differs, acknowledging the challenge that dining out can be. Customers should feel safe, whilst dining out. Wagamama pride themselves on providing dishes with nourishing ingredients and state this goes FAR beyond calorie content. Guests will be able to request a calorie-free menu, to help alleviate the trauma that can already be in place, before a menu has even been provided.
Knowing I can visit Wagamama (my nearest being Bristol and Exeter), with their support in place is brilliant. In the meantime before I get into the cities, I'll be hitting Tesco for their new line of Mayo - Katsu and Firecracker...which are both, gluten+dairy free and Vegan. Perfect for livening up wraps, salads and as we enter BBQ season. More on Wagamama products here.
What are your thoughts on the new rule? I was touched by Wagamama acknowledging the anxiety the government are creating in a bid to combat another illness. Lucy x
Disclaimer: no fees were exchanged in partnership of this post.