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Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

 Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes
Temperatures have drastically dropped over the last week, making my latest recipe to share with you all even more appropriate. You can't beat a freshly baked sausage roll, whether it's home-made or straight from the paper bag of a bakery. However, my home-made sausage rolls always go down a storm with family and friends. They're also always a tradition to bake for Christmas Eve.

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

Just before Christmas I received a selection of Books, with one being Delicious Bundles by Angela Gray. This quaint little book features recipes sorted into 'Bundles' to treat ourselves to, with global takes of comforting classic dishes. You'll find dishes are sorted into seasons, with warming winter curries, spring vegetable asian recipes, bbq recipes for summer and autumnal baked goods. 

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

I decided to give the Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls a whirl, by adapting my own Sausage Roll recipe with Angela's spicy edition. I also switched out ingredients such as Mustard for Harissa Paste and adjusted quantities to suit the Free From ingredients opted for.

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

Ingredients for 'Filling'

Fry Light or Cooking Spray of choice

1/2 a Red Onion (finely diced)

1 tsp of Chopped Garlic (I use Lazy Garlic)

1-2 tsp of Mild Curry Powder

400g Sausage Meat (gluten free)

75g Chorizo (diced and gluten/milk free)

100g Gluten Free Breadcrumbs (Mrs Crimble)

1 Beaten Egg

1 tbsp of Mango Chutney

Ingredients for 'Wrap'

1 Sheet of Ready Rolled Gluten Free Pastry

1 tsp of Harissa Paste (instead of mustard)

Large handful of Grated Cheddar Cheese (dairy free if needed)

1 Egg + Splash of Milk for glazing/sticking

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

Method -

Pre-Heat Oven to 180C and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.

In a frying pan, fry the chopped onion and garlic on a low-medium heat until softened - cooking with fry light/oil.

Stir in the curry powder, with a splash of water to stop your ingredients from catching and fry for another couple of minutes before taking off the heat.

In a large bowl, mix the sausage meat, chorizo, breadcrumbs and onion mixture. Before adding in the beaten egg and mango chutney. 

Take your ready-rolled pastry, and slice into two strips, this will make two long sausage rolls.

Spread harissa paste along each of the pastry strips and sprinkle each with grated cheese. You can then take your sausage mixture and lay along each strip.

Brush the edges of the pastry with your egg+milk mixture, before rolling/wrapping over to encase. Press firmly down to seal. Then slice each roll into desire sized rolls. I'd recommend 4-6 each. Don't forget to cut diagonal slits across the top of each individual roll.

Now, lay on your tray and brush with your egg+milk mixture to ensure you have golden brown rolls when out the oven. Pop in the oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown + crispy. 

Spicy Sausage and Chorizo Rolls | Lucyy Writes

If you're fond of warm spices, you'll love this take of the British Classic incorporating Spanish Chorizo and Indian Spices. What have you been baking recently? Lucy xx

Disclaimer: *book sent for review consideration


  1. I've never tried to make my own sausage roll before, but I'll have to give it a go as this looks so good! I love the twist on it as well xx

    Hannah |

    1. Give it a go Hannah, I'm sure you'll love them! x


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