UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Miss Glossybox // NEW beauty box in town

Having already launched 'Young Beauty' in the Netherlands and Germany, Glossy Box launch their new venture into the UK beauty box world. Miss Glossybox goes on sale today (April 22nd) consisting of their favourite brands and products aimed at the younger scale of the market.
I expected the contents of Miss Glossybox to be housed in their usual boxes instead a bright green drawstring bag featuring their logo, sat inside the green postal box. I personally prefer the drawstring bags since I'll have more uses for them. Younger subscribers will find them useful in school bags and sports kits while I'll use them for handbag essentials or protecting jewellery and shoes while traveling - I do have hobbit sized feet after all. You can guarantee products that won't break the bank and most importantly get more than your money's worth. 
Amie | Spring Clean Cooling Clay Mask | 10ml Sachet £1.95 
Amie are a brand I've previously mentioned here on Lucyy Writes, I'm yet to try the Clean Cooling Clay Mask. Cooling Clay provides clean, clear and smooth skin along with being free of parabens and sulphates. I'll be applying this later tonight and reporting back. Available in sachet form or full size 75 ml Tube for £4.95.
So...? | Dry Shampoo in Va Va Volume or Lovely | 50 ml
Despite not being full size this 50 ml can will be perfect for school bags. So...? Have three options on offer, with two appearing in Miss Glossy Box. Va Va Volume is the musky scent of the trio. The full size 150 ml can retails for £2.49.
Eye Rock | Eye Tattoos | Black Lace | £5.99 | Full Size
Having been a fan of Nail Rock, with many packets stocked in my drawer, I'm yet to try their Eye Rock eye tattoos. With summer, Proms and many after parties coming up the aimed audience will adore these I'm sure!! This was a non-listed product.
Beauty UK | Line and Define eye pencil | Black | £1.99 | Full Size
Can you ever have too many black eyeliners? From swatches alone the formula is pigmented and creamy. Usually beauty boxes feature exotic greens and purples that sadly end up deserted in the makeup collection. Will I be looking into the brand I've always dismissed?
2 True | Glitterati Nail Polish | Shade 6 | £1.99 | Full Size 
Appearing along Beauty UK's eyeliner, their brand new Glitterati Nail Polish in Shade 6 - a beautiful rose gold glitter polish. The polish reminds me of my favourite OPI Excuse Moi, though not quite so dark perfect for adding a sprinkle of glitter to any spring NOTD. 
Molly Mabel | Popband | £4-£8 | Full Size
Molly Mabel, home of vibrant, fun and funky hair brands. I've received the corn flower blue band (my favourite colour for spring). Made of soft, stretchy material your hair will be protected and knot free. They'd also make cute bracelets. Depending on how customised and size of pack will determine the price. I'll be looking into more Molly Mabel.
Stripy Nail Duo | Nail File | Nail Clippers | Full Size
How cute are these nail accessories? All beauty boxes should accompany nail polishes with at least a nail file! Perfect handbag essential if your nails keep on breaking like mine. This was another non-listed product.
Glossybox | Heart Lolly

Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.Disclaimer: Box provided by Glossybox 


  1. This looks like a great little box, all products I'd use and a bargain. Despite it being aimed at the younger generation I'm 28 and I want one haha! x

    1. It had a good range of products didn't it, I hope they all live up to this box!! I know there's all the drama of the original. They're just a lucky dip at the end of the day but this seems much more luckier :P Only as young as you feel and 28 is young!

  2. This seems like a great idea, and there's some lovely things in there too! :)xo

    1. It's lovely isn't it, I think the contents was thought about well. Lets see if the rest follow! Long wait though being every two months :/ x

  3. It says bi-monthly.. But bi monthly means both twice a month and once every two months.. So which is it? O.o
    Oh, they just tweeted me saying it's once every two months,
    Heart Lollypops.. Left over from valentines I imagine. I still have mine xD

    Not sure what I make of this tbh! Hmm..

    1. Hi Liz,

      It's every two months, I can't see when a beauty box would ever do two a month they'd be mad. Probably why they didn't feel the need to *every two months on the site. I saw your tweets..
      Maybe it's just more appealing if you fit into the age group or just past it? Though everyone seems to find it more appealing since all the products are a fair size, affordable and shades you can actually pick up and use straight away rather than lying around unused. I prefer this box to all my past Glossy and Carmine - I haven't ventured into other boxes simply because they don't ever do it for me or they fold. As for the lollies I'm sure they have them made up for more than Valentines, I've seen them quite a few times.

      Lucy x


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