UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Adventures with Harry // Happy 1st Birthday Harry

Today little Harry turns one, meaning it's the perfect time for a little update on his adventures if you don't so happen to follow my social media accounts. In two months time we've had him for a year and boy does the time seem to have flown by. It doesn't seem long ago that I was almost sick with excitement on the drive out to his breeders, or the week later bringing him home after his snazzy collar fitting at Pets At Home. I'm well aware I'm a crazy dog lady, it's okay. Finally getting my little Harry has had such a huge impact on me and lets face it, dogs are much better company than most humans. So for those who loved his 'adventure' posts, here's snippets of my little chap since the last time he checked in on LW. There's been the usual groomer visits, beaches, plenty of shopping....surviving the chop & adorable old ladies running out with biscuits each day.


  1. Aww Harry is such a cute little chap. Happy birthday Harry! Raspberrykiss xo

  2. What a cutie! Happy Birthday Harry! xx

  3. Aw he is absolutely adorable! I have a Westie called Frankie and it's crazy how they just become one of the family! Happy birthday Harry! :) x

    1. Thank you so much lovely, they do don't they. Everything resolves around him now but I wouldn't change it for the world! x

  4. Awr happy birthday Harry! I remember when you got him, can't believe its a year already! x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

    1. It's ridiculous how fast the years gone, he was SO teeny tiny then looking back at the old posts! x


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