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lucyyblends // green tea + blueberry slush

an image of green tea and blueberry slush recipe
Recently I've been getting into making my own juices, smoothies and slush like drinks. With the weather warming up I do struggle to have an appetite some days, along with increasingly feeling a little insecure with my body post winter. When watching Daisy's recent favourite video she mentioned the app Whole Living by Martha Stewart and is full of healthy smoothie recipes. I downloaded immediately and the next day I was blitzing away, with a green tea + blueberry 'slush' top of the list. Depending on what I have in the house then I'll adapt most of the recipes from the app, I thought it'd be a great addition to the Lucyy Bakes series here on LW.

The green tea and blueberry slush is the perfect drink for a lazy mid-afternoon through to the summer evenings and serves two. A single serving is only 50 calories while full of benefits for our skin and bodies, blueberries and green tea are the perfect duo. If blueberries aren't for you, I've also made this drink with raspberries.

It couldn't be any easier to make your green tea & blueberry slush. You'll need half a cup of blueberries & two cups of green tea at room temperature. Simply sort your blueberries into compartments of an ice cube tray. Then fill with green tea before freezing. Once frozen, puree in a blender with you're remaining green tea and blueberries. If you follow the app it calls for a tablespoon of agave nectar, I personally didn't want to include this, nor did I have it in the cupboard. I've read too many conflicting articles about this ingredient to believe it has any nutritional benefit. There's no need to sweeten. With measures for the ingredients being in cups on the app it was great to pull out my Matryoshka Doll measuring cups.

Would these be posts you'd like to see on LW? I am in no way partnered with this app, Daisy simply mentioned it and I absolutely love it. There's endless recipes to try out all in different sections such as - immunity boosting, essential, meal in a glass, allergen free, detox and weight-loss. You can adjust the text size, share, add notes and save your favourites for quickness. Pretty impressive right? It also shows you all the nutritional facts, dietary needs and explains in detail why the ingredients are so great for us. Lucy xx


  1. Great, great post! Have a lovely day ;D


    ohh I would love to follow you if you'd do the same for me ;)

    1. thank you but I'd prefer for you to follow my blog if you love it not if I only follow you. Good Luck xx

  2. This sounds like a great app! I've been wanting to get into making juices and smoothies for a while now as I need to loose some weight and be a bit more healthy. This slush sounds delicious! My mouth was watering just reading the post haha. You should definitely do more posts like this :D

    Charlotte, xo

    1. Thank you so much Charlotte, I'll keep the tag running throughout summer! This morning I had a delicious banana & oat smoothie, perfect for on the go or when it's too hot to have/like porridge! It's an amazing app, the entire layout is really well thought out! xx


I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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