UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Go Lush Yourself // Fun Review

Every so often Lush create a new treat for us in support of the chosen charity, this time around Lush are helping children affected by the Fukushima disaster. Fun is an all new soft bath product with many uses, available in Pink, the candy fragrance of the five, Yellow a delicious vanilla inspired by Granny's baking and visits to the seaside, Green is for the tangy citrus fans, Blue will provide a relaxing lavender bath, while Red takes on the fresher, summer time citrus fragrance. A scent for everyone I'm sure, I'm pleased to have both yellow & pink. For the first year Fun is around Lush will take 10p from every Fun item sold and put into a funD which will go towards projects and activities for the children.
Fun is a '4 in 1' product, so here's what you can get up to with yours. 
1. Break off a small chunk, just like a shower jelly and use in the shower. 
2. Break off a small chunk, work up a lather and use as your shampoo.
3. Break off a small chunk, crumble into running water and use a bubble bath.
4. Or simply have fun, buy other colour options to create more exciting shapes, perfect if you have children or you've had a stressful day.
Used in the shower Fun is great, it creates a thick creamy lather all over the body. Work up a lather in your hand. They're certainly more moisturising than regular shower jellies and a lot less slippery. As a 'bubble bar' I'm not a fan, Fun doesn't create as many bubbles as regular bubble bars and isn't the easiest thing to crumble into water, it's a dough after all. The lasting power of both scents also seems to vanish when used as bubble bath. 
Disclaimer: sample
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. I'm definitely going to get one of these, especially as some money goes to charity. But I agree they could have donated more from the sales. I think my kids would love this too :) gem x

    1. Did you ever have the chameleon? That was one amazing charity product, I purchased loads! This is brilliant value. They'd love the green and red for December time!

  2. They didn't have this in my local LUSH when I went in recently :( Really wanna play with it! :D

    1. I haven't been to my local in forever! Always online ordering. It's addictive after a crappy day.

  3. I got a little sample of the yellow one and love the smell but I haven't got round to using it yet
    : ]

    1. The pink is even lovelier, it's the winner in my house at the moment!

  4. I agree it's a bit gimmicky but I really like how it's multipurpose - not sure I would use it on my hair though! Thanks for this detailed review and amazing pictures x

    1. I'm thinking it could be a little sticky for hair? But i can imagine it would lather up great. Thank you Gaby :D The lighting is rubbish lately, trying my best.

  5. These look so fun! I love the colours <3

    Jennie xo |

  6. I have Red and love the smell, I also would have liked more to go to chrity but I suppose every little helps :D



    Em's Mixed Bag


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