UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Go Lush Yourself // Creamy Candy Review

Creamy Candy is one of my old time favourites so over the last few days I've called on it to make me feel a little more human. Right now you can get a Christmas pimped version of this bubble bar - Candy Mountain, I still have a couple left from last year when they were white and pink. Personally Candy Mountain is no where near as creamy as the original creamy candy. 
If you love vanilla and candy floss scents you'll love Creamy Candy, it's not overpowering at all. I felt more relaxed than when I use any bombs and bars containing lavender. Creamy Candy is perfect if you want the moisturising goodness of a bath melt but the bubbles of a bubble bar. There's only one downside, if you like your Lush baths to bright and colourful then the Christmas version will be for you. Creamy Candy gives no tint to the water but you could just drop a Think Pink bath bomb into the water for an extra added treat. Have your tried Creamy Candy before?
Disclaimer: own purchase


  1. This is one of my favourites from Lush, it smells so amazing. I only buy it every now and again though so it's always a nice treat when I do use it :) xx

    1. I love the little cocoa butter lumps it has! x

  2. I love Creamy Candy, such a gorgeous smell! x

    1. It's so lovely isn't it, especially in winter it's such a snuggly bubble bath! x

  3. Oooft, got some leg in there. :') This is still my favourite. I always pick this up on a lush trip. The only downside is it goes kinda soggy over time.. Still works fine, just doesn't feel great to handle. Haha. Definately love this and think pink with it is my fav combo :') Even now. Though I am quite partial to the comforter now. Espec as it adds some pink to the bath :D

    Lizzums xx

    1. Do you store yours in the bathroom? I'd put it in a little jar if you do! Think pink is the bestest! I love how bright it is, maybe I'll have that one tonight!? Or the cute snowman. x

  4. I've got one of these but not used it yet. I don't mind when there's no/not much colour as long as they smell lovely! xx

    1. Sometimes the simple products are the best, the bright colours just aren't needed in every product like they seem to be doing right now! x

  5. I love these! Really need to get another one now :D x

    1. It's one of the items I love to have one in stock at home! :) x

  6. Cheeky leg shot! I really wanna stock up on some Lush things, I haven't bought anything in SO long! This post makes me crave a nice hot bubble bath ha xx

    1. Haha ;) Thought I'd show I use all these baths I blog about :P x
      It was the nicest bath in a long time, sometimes the simplier products are the most relaxing x


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