UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

OOTD // Bare The Legs

Despite the up and down weather in the UK, it's still far too warm for winter clothing. I'm determined to wear spring/summer clothes. Fingers crossed I won't freeze like this. If it's chilly I'll wear a jumper or blazer over the top.
Now you may notice I'm not a huge OOTD poster on my blog, I love doing them, I'm just a picky little thing. The shorts & shirt you may recognise from my recent fashion haul. I've worn the shorts to death already. They're amazing.

However, as I've come across a new site that is similar to LookBook, this OOTD is to celebrate their new campaign. LUKnFeed is a site that lets you upload outfits just like other fashion sites or post outfits or items you want to wear the next day and people can leave their opinion, though lets hope they're nice opinions. We know what the Internets like. To see my other similar choice, head on over to my my LUKnFeed, if you like then why not sign up, it's free and you can interact with people all over the world. I personally love this new campaign as I'm an extremely fussy girl when it comes to what I wear. I put it down to body image. 
The Campaign is called 'What to wear tomorrow' - 'Let's prepare what to wear tomorrow (to avoid stressful mornings)!' and starts today April 7th. There's even an app for those with Androids and Iphones. Sadly as a Blackberry owner I can't. This is perfect for scrolling through while you have to wait.
My user is: LucyyLou394

Let me know what you think? Has anyone else come across these shorts and sheer shirts I have? They're bargains. Let me know if you join LUKnFeed.
It's so easy to use. I opened mine late last night and I'm already used to it.
Have a great Bank Holiday weekend.

Disclaimer: I was contacted by this site however I am not being paid for any mention of this site. I wanted to share it with you as I think it's great. Other sites seem to get lack a bit of uniqueness?


  1. Ooh sounds like an interesting site, I'm gonna check it out now
    Thanks for sharing!
    Love the outfit by the way, shorts are fab. You look lovely, Lucy xx

    1. It really is, once your used to it, there's amazing outfits on there!!
      Thanks lovely <3

  2. I've never heard of this site, I'll have to check it out! I love your sheer top and cute wedges!! x

    1. Don't forget the street princess bracelet ;) It went so well with these x

  3. What a brilliant idea the 'What to wear tomorrow' campaign is; I have so many clothes and yet I still finding myself at a loss what to put on in the mornings! Sometimes at weekends if I've got nothing going on I'll deliberately spend all days in pyjamas just to avoid having to make the decision!

    Emily x

    P-s. You have amazing legs!

    1. It really is isn't, needless to say I'll be wearing this Sunday! :D Any excuse to get the wedges out.
      Thanks so much lovely, they're the only big I seem to like :/ xxx

  4. Gorgeous outfit Lucy, you have the most amazing legs! xx

    1. Eek thanks Leanne :D <3
      Only bit I can stand, thanks to wedges :P


  5. Such a great outfit. You have amazing legs. x

    1. Thanks lovely, glad you like, they were absolute bargains.
      Thanks to the wedges :P

  6. I like your blouse :)
    I'll have to check out this site! x

    1. They have loads of colours :)
      It's great, lots of nails on there!

  7. Your legs are so long!!

  8. You look beautiful!!! I am so jealous of your figure! Xx

    1. Aw thanks Soph :) Your figure is bloody gorgeous too!! You have no need to be jealous!

  9. THANK YOU SO MUCH for introducing us on your blog!!!!♡♡♡♡♡
    And yes, I totally agree, gorgeous outfit and legs to die for!!! ♥(>o<)/

    1. Thanks for sharing the campaign! Loving the site :)
      I'll upload again soon :D All OOTD's are going on there.
      Thank you, that's so nice of you :)

  10. Those shorts would look better on me?

  11. Lovely outfit and gorgeous shoes! I think we are all envious of your legs! XxxX

    1. Thanks lovely, I love the shorts, they're the comfiest shorts I've owned. So soft. Shoes the same, so light to walk in, browns are currently half price and tempting. :')



I love receiving and reading comments. I always try my best to reply as quickly as I can. If you have any urgent questions feel free to email or tweet - details found to the side or top of my blog. Lucy x

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