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Have a LUSH Easter // Fluffy Egg

Every year when these hot pink eggs appear I can't help but get eggcited. Ever since my obsession with LUSH started I've always picked half a dozen up every year these have been around. Fluffy eggs are up in my top 10 Lush products. They never let me down. The Fluffy Egg retails at £2.95, if you fancy trying one of these out, pop to your local store, as you will have missed the Easter delivery dates. Or just have a second Easter?
As soon as this bath bomb hits the water it starts to fizz like crazy. I used the whole item, but if your quick and you want to get two out of it, then just simply let it dry when half fizzed. However, this is one egg you can be sure to use all of it, without feeling guilty and the need for a workout. The smell is  amazing. It's so strong, snow fairy fans will be stocking up on these. I paired mine with Snow Fairy Shower Gel and God Mother Soap, for extra candy floss goodness.
This was less than a minute in and you can already see how bright the water will be. I love Lush bath bomb shots. This isn't one of the fun colour changing bombs, but it's still fun to watch. The flowers soon dissolve and don't leave any mess in your bath. Just don't pick the bomb up when fizzing, unless your taking a snapshot or using twice, your hands will turn pink. It comes off with a soak in the bath & you don't come out looking like a clanger or shrimp.
For a sweet girly scent, it was extremely relaxing. I came out the bath and fell straight into bed. I had one of the best nights sleep. The whole house smelt of this, even the "man" of the house loves this scent. Most will know the scent of snow fairy but for those who don't it is the most perfect girly girl scent you can get. Bubble gum and candy floss. If you want an all year round version, try God Mother Soap and Bubble gum Lip Scrub. The scent lingered on my skin till the next morning. 
 The bath water from this bath bomb is extremely pretty. The flowers soon dissolve and your left with this cloudy hot pink water. If you miss having bubbles crumble a piece of The Comforter or Creamy Candy bubble bar in, if you have a Magic Wand floating around still, give that a swish in the bath. It will be the perfect match. The bath bomb doesn't really moisturise your skin, but it makes you smell delicious! It's a winner. 10/10.
Do you go a little crazy when these arrive? Even my Mum does. 
Have you picked one of these up yet...or 6?

Items sent for review consideration. No Payment has been received.
Disclaimer: The one used was sent to me, however I have ordered gifts&a few bits for myself in the collection post previously. You know I love LUSH. :D


  1. That looks gorgeous, also loving your chicks on your nails!

  2. I really want one of these.. (or 10!)
    Your nails are brilliant!!

    1. Haha, 10 for sure! They're so yummy!
      Thanks lovely :D

  3. I love your nails so much! I'm going to get one next time I'm in Lush :)

    great post xo

    1. Aw thank you! D: Same, hoping they have some left after for me to snatch up.

  4. I haven't picked one of these up yet, and I need to soon! It looks wonderful. :)

    xx Jessica

    1. Really? you so do, they're an amazing bath!

  5. This looks absolutely gorgeous! I really do need to start taking more baths x

    1. You do! I need to cut down and have more showers!

  6. I've used this and absolutely loved it. Love your nails.x

    1. Thanks Jess! It's yum isn't it, love the snow fairy scents. Always go crazy.

  7. Amazing nails, i can't make a nails like that hha :D
    Following you now via gfc! Maybe you will follow me back ? <33

  8. That looks so pretty!!! Love your nails!!! :) xx

    1. It is isn't it, what can beat a hot pink bath!?
      Thanks Soph!

  9. These look so cute and that bath looks amazing! XxxX

    1. It's simply amazing, love the colour it always gives! Let alone the scent :D


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