UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

The Tangle Tamer // Denman

Having and growing your hair longer is hard work. I hate the chore of washing my hair, I dread the knots and tangles after or when it needs a cut. I've tried a few brushes and treatments in the past and recently I've got my hands on one of these, a Tangle Tamer by Denman. I've always heard great things about Denman, especially from my family. My Mum used to be a hairdresser when my age and always swore by Denman and still does. The Tangle Tamer retails at £6.20 and can be found in your local Boots, Superdrug, supermarkets, salons, many other independent stores or online.
The Tangle Tamer is designed to ease tangles and knots, gently, rather than causing more damage to your hair and leaves a super smooth finish. The bristles are cluttered together in two different lengths. Both lengths are super soft and glided through my hair with so much ease. No pulling at my hair. It was wonderful!! Magic. Plus it's pink, everything is better when in pink.
The bristles are sat in a air cushioned rubber pad. The brush is the lightest brush I have owned. It was the first thing I noticed about the Tangle Tamer. I have small hands and this brush fits perfectly in them. So far I haven't gone as far as using it when I wash my hair, I do use this brush to brush through wet hair straight after and it's a Guardian angel.
 I've heard many bloggers talking about how this brush is better than well known alternatives. Since using this I've actually packed my alternatives away and used this brush every day. I'm not the only one who's noticed a big difference in how silky and super smooth my hair feels. I've had a lot less frizz too and even less tangles. The brush is also available in black for those who don't like hot pink. I personally love the design in pink.
If you struggle with tangles, I'd recommend you trying this brush. It's perfect for little ones too. I wish I'd had one when I was a child. That L'oreal detangle spray was only, ever good for the smell. It's surprising how many products Denman have on their site, especially their own makeup brushes!
Have any of you used a Tangle Tamer?

Disclaimer: This was sent to me to review, however I'm 100% honest and incredibly thankful as it's really worked or should I say tamed wonders! No affiliate links.
Disclaimer: press sample, for review consideration only, no payment received. see disclaimer page for more.


  1. wow this sounds ace, i want, deff cheaper then the ther brand *you know which* and if it does the same thing, or better then deff gonna buy it :D eeee

    1. Haha 'you know which' I may do a comparison post :) I'm really impressed by it, it's sat on my dresser since it arrived.

  2. I own one of these and they're amazing! Best brush I've ever owned!


  3. ummm I'm intrigued by this, I do love my Tangle Teezer but if this is even better I'm rather tempted! x

    1. I'm off my tangle teezer 100%. Much prefer using this! I don't feel like a horse, it looks like a horses brush doesnt it the tangle teezer, poor thing, I loved it x

  4. I don't think I could deal with holding a Tangle Teezer, so when I spotted this I really considered getting it. My hair is in such bad condition that it's extremely knotty when wet...I literally cannot get a comb through the hair around the nape of my neck. This sounds like it did the trick for you, so maybe I should give it a go! x

    1. They're awkward aren't they, at first I loved it and it did help etc, but this is just even better and in a normal shape :)
      It's worth it, much cheaper.

  5. I swear by my regular Denman hairbrush have been using it for nearly 20 years. I bought the Tangle Teezer to try & it ruined my hair, but I still wonder whether to try this Denman one, I may have to get it after reading this!

    1. Be good for your kids too, it's great, every single day i've used it. :D

  6. ive seen this floating about...the trouble is if it were between more lipstick or a new hairbrush I think lippie would win haha!
    Great review missus!


    1. Haha, but hair's important too, who want's knotty locks for perfect lips!
      Thanks lovely :D

  7. ive seen this floating about...the trouble is if it were between more lipstick or a new hairbrush I think lippie would win haha!
    Great review missus!


  8. ive seen this floating about...the trouble is if it were between more lipstick or a new hairbrush I think lippie would win haha!
    Great review missus!


  9. I have an denman brush and i love it but i do find the new tangle teezer that i bought good for taking out in my bag as cause its got a sort of lid nothing gets to the bristles, because however clean we keep our bags you do always get crap in the bottom, so i agree with you denman do fantastic brushes, but the tangle teezer will always have a place in my handbag xx

    1. Denman could produce one for a handbag with a lid, but they do have a handbag brush already, circular! Tangle teezers are only good for the keeping clean in a bag now! :D Love this brush.

  10. I lost my tangle teezer but i think i'll invest in that!

    1. Aw really? I'd pick this over the TT now :)

  11. Wow! I'm so glad I saw this post! I've been having issues with tangles since I was a child, and recently got the tangle first I was amazed by it and loved it, but recently when I'm brushing wet hair it often slips out of my hand and its difficult to get a grip on it. I think I'm gonna have to invest in the Denman for wet hair and keep the tangle teezer in the handbag for dry hair! Thanks for reviewing this :)


    1. Mine just doesn't seem to the job properly now, so glad I've got one of these! Love it.
      Your quite welcome lovely :D Tangle teezers are so cute in the handbag size.

  12. When I had super long hair I used to use a Tangle Teezer which was amazing. It's now become my cat's grooming brush somehow! This looks great XxxX

  13. I haven't spotted this before, I think it looks gorgeous in pink but I'd still probably get it in black for myself. Recently my hair has been quite bad, I've kinda neglected it a fair but as I've not given it its tri-weekly trim since a couple of weeks before we moved.. I dunno where my hair scissors are anyways! Though Robbies paddle brush is amazing and does a great job on my hair.. and I'm on a spending ban for now too, but if my hair keeps this up, I think it'll be a requirement...


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