UK Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

Have A LUSH Easter // The Immaculate Eggception

Last Sunday I was lucky enough to receive both colours of The Immaculate Eggception - the Easter egg 'gift set', as part of my Easter gifts from my parents. I've always received Lush since my obsession started, for Easter. It retails at £7, around the same price as any decent Easter egg and 100% calorie free.
Both colours smell the exact same and contain either a chick or a bunny ballistic inside, that's the 'surprise rattle'. A few people have been wanting to know how to crack these? The answer is just whack them. I suggest placing in a plastic food bag, you don't want yellow powder everywhere, do it right, like me and yours will crack in may have been down to luck ;) . How cute is the chick inside the yellow egg?
The outer shell of The Immaculate Eggception eggs are half ballistic and half bubble bar. However I didn't get a mountain of bubbles, it was just an extra fizzy bath bomb. There was no way I'd use the whole egg, I used half and personally I think that was way too much, the bath was incredibly bright as it did stain the bath, it cleans off however. Next time I'm using 1/4. By doing this you will get 5 baths out of your £7 egg. Eggcellent.
The scent is simply amazing, although it is said to be a new scent, it smells just like the Donkeyoatey, from last years collection. I loved that little guy. My room currently smells of this, it really overpowers the other Lush scents. It's the perfect Easter scent, full of ylang ylang, grapefruit and vanilla absolute, giving you that chocolaty scent. It lasted on my skin all Easter Sunday, the house smelt incredible, I do love it when you have Lush baths in the morning.
As I said before, this was my results using half an egg and tonight I'll be using a 1/4, to get the most out of this cracking product from Lush. Did the Easter bunny bring you one? I won't be reviewing the pink, unless there's a drastic change. This gets a 9/10. I don't want to use the chick inside, he's just too damn cute!


  1. These look 'lush' for want of a better word! Missed out on these, maybe there will be some in the shop still... :)

    1. Haha! They really are, there should be, online are great for delivery though.

  2. these look amazing i hope they have some left!

    1. They should do, the collections seem to be sticking around longer, they still have valentines day stuff in one of mine.


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